[Discussion] Owning dog with 8 h work

@truthandlove I've worked full time away from home (so gone 8-9 hours a day), and I now work from home. I'm not going to lie, it is easier now. But that doesn't mean it's necessary. Most dogs are just fine with 8 hours alone. Honestly, mine pretty much just ignore me and sleep or play with each other most of the day anyway. They like to sleep in my office so they can keep an eye on me, but it's not like we're interacting all day.

The important thing is that you have a reasonable amount of time to spend working with your dog in the evening and on weekends, which it sounds like you're prepared for. So that's fine.

The other big thing to think about is if you get a puppy, especially a small breed puppy, they usually can't go 8 hours without relieving themselves because their bladders just aren't that big. So until it grows up, you'll have to figure something out or you're not going to be able to successfully house train it.

But really, most people I know who own dogs leave them alone for 8-9 hours a day while they're at work, and most dogs are just fine with it. I don't think it's a shit situation at all, as long as you're spending plenty of time with your dog otherwise.

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