[Discussion] Bark - the app which let you avoid dangerous situations with your dog


New member

It's my first post on reddit. I wanted to show you something that I've worked hard for.

Since I had an accident with my dog called Indi (Australian Cattle Dog), I decided to create an iOS App which let dog owners to avoid danger dogs or let another dog owners know that our dog isn't friendly. It's something like WAZE app, but for Dog Lovers - User can set a mood of his dog and see other users on map. When user tap on another user on map, the popup with dog image and mood will appear.

The App is free and doesn't have any adverts - I'm not doing it for money, I just love dogs and I'm software engineer.

You can download it here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bark/id1393274378?l=pl&ls=1&mt=8

I hope you'll like it. Right now there's only iOS version - I'm doing all alone (from graphics to code) and it's pro bono "after hours project", but I'll make Android version to.
@mcl123 Interesting... I think for this app to work the best, you definitely need an Android version. Are you in the US? You may want to advertise this app on your neighborhood social media group(s), like NextDoor or something--or your local subreddit. It's definitely something that is only useful if you have a group of dedicated dog owners using it. Maybe you could add functionality where users can mark where they encounter dogs that don't belong to them, like dogs in yards that bark a lot when you pass, so owners with aggressive dogs can avoid those areas.
@julietakase I was sure Unity works for game dev thing. I don't like corss platforms things exept ReactNative. I did it in Swift, but now I regred that I didn't in ReactNative as I'm doing Android in RN anyway.
@mcl123 The idea is pretty cute. It’s just like a specialized chat room specifically for dog owners. However, for the system to be successful, you need coordination and involvement, and that can’t be done by excluding Android users, because that cuts out about half of your local users immediately.

Additionally, one of the safest things you can do while walking your dog is not be on your phone, to reduce distractions.

For something like to really be useful, you need involvement. Maybe you’ve got a good group of testers that have shown how the app can work well. It would be great to promote the app among neighborhoods. Maybe even coordinate with rental companies to encourage their dog-owning tenants to use the app. So, maybe your next step would be to market it and get communities to use it.

The UI looks nice and sleek in the screenshots. I can’t test though, since I’m on Android.

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