Destructive puppy


New member
(TL:DR) 7month old puppy, gets destructive if bowls are empty keep ~10galons of water for her, cannot leave outside because neighbors have a hyper aggressive "service dog". Gets plenty of outdoor time, plenty of toys, already destroyed indoor kennel, is literally eating my house, current solution is locking her in hallway but she is too dafty to understand why. What are some solutions to solve this problem before she eats a hole in the wall already has 4 and tries chewing through the electric cables and fries herself like a tatertot. Furniture can be reupholstered that's w.e.

So my puppy Bella(trix) (half pit, half blue heeler ~7months old) has always gotten angry when any of her bowls are empty, when she was just a few months old she would pick up her bowls and throw them around. But now she has taken to eating the furniture. I normally have to have three water bowls for her grand total of like 10 gallons of water, i always refresh her water every morning and when I get home, dummy is a water dog and loves playing in her water, placed a rubber tub under her bowls to prevent water damage to my house, and spent a couple of weeks working with her to not do it on the inside bowls, dont really care about the outside water she has a 2'x4'x6" stock tank with a ballast, but, the neighbors to the front has their daughter living with them now and she has a "licensed service dog" I put that in quotes because this pit bull of hers has already rushed the fence a couple of times and was full aggression twords my dogs (chaweenie named Padmé she is a lover not a fighter and their small dogs already snipped her through the fence) so I can't just leave them alone in the yard without having to worry that this "licensed service dog" is going to attack my dogs while I am at work and I had to surrender my sweetheart of a pit bull to a no kill shelter because he was being aggressive towards their little dogs after the snipped my little ones (had two chaweenies one passed from birth complications). She already ate the plastic bowls I had because they were empty so I can only use metal ones. I had an indoor kennel for her but she is a stocky brute and tore that appart, not going to bother buying another one just for her to eat it again. She has plenty of toys rings, ropes, puzzles, balls, stuffed animals with sensatory bits in it, and she has Padmé to play with gets 1hr outside time in the morning and gets to come and go in the evenings (under close supervision because I don't trust that "service dog", so its not that she is bored by any means. And she is otherwise fine if the bowls aren't empty, but, here in Texas the cold spell is mostly over and she is just slurping the water down again and takes her frustration out on my furniture, both new love seats look like they have been through a tornado, my sofa is nothing but the frame, my hardwood vintage table is getting whittled and dare I forget about the four holes she put in the walls (one of which she is still expanding no matter how many times I have patched it. Please help me come up with other solutions to deal with this than sitting her down in the mess and asking her what it is and why the insides of my furniture is on the outside, like, she knows she beansed it because she does the guilty dog thing the moment I get home from work or even just checking the mail and stents in puppy jail (locking her in the hallway) doesn't do anything.
@armando23 How much exercise is this dog getting on a daily basis? Just being in the yard doesn't count.

How much mental stimulation is she getting on a daily basis? These are things like training, puzzle toys, nose work, exploring new places, etc.

You have a working dog. She needs a job and a Ron of mental stimulation.

I highly recommend you start crate training again. Gunner kennels are pricey, but tend to be pretty escape proof.
@klpotte3 We walk to the local airport every night before bedtime, ~1.5 miles.

I have easily a dozen different puzzle toys for her, we do vocal commands, hand signals, and whistle commands for an hour, i have three different treat balls for her and load them up for her to find. I have a handmade yard runner for her to chase when she is in the yard. I take her to the local hiking trails every weekend for about 3hrs (its taken me three years of daily hikes to even discover all the trails), she also gets to see two of her siblings and parents every other weekend.

She is too young for her intended job of protect the house and I know from training JYD that if I start her on it at this age she won't be allowed where I live because of a very hard-core no aggressive dogs policy.

I can fully assure you that its not a lack of stimulus. I am also not a novice when it comes to training dogs. This is just the first time I have ever came across a dog that throws a temper tantrum because her food or water bowls are empty. She went ballistic when the community well was down for a week, and we had to ration water.

The problem isn't your average puppy problem i already exhausted all the stimuli concerns. The problem is that she demands an endless water and food supply and if it is restricted from her she will splinter a 6x6 in under an hour as if she is part beaver.

Unless the crate is made of plate metal she will destroy it. Considering that i am doing a renovation with three sections open to the elements, repairing the framing because of rot/termites, and constantly patching the holes she makes in my walls I don't have the cash for that. These zip welded wire ones are like paper to a firehose. I guess I will see what I can work out, will probably have to custom build her one because that's cheaper.
@armando23 I'm not a trainer. I've never actually seen a dog this obsessed with water. I've seen dogs be obsessed with it, but not to the point you're describing.

How does she act if she has just water but no food? Is there a reason for why she would have her water frequently restricted (obviously situations like the well not working could happen and there may be no other choice)?

You should get in contact with a trainer or veterinary behaviorist. Anyone can call themselves a trainer. The industry is not regulated at all, so check out the r/dogtraining wiki on finding a good trainer.

There are some pretty indestructible kennels out there. Gunner is a big favourite, but they are not metal.
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@anxioussleeper She isn't wholly alone, she has another dog at the house with her, which is why I didn't mention it. But given that she comes from two nanny breeds you are not all the way off the mark, because she does start crying if she looses sight of me because I went to the next room over. But I can't afford a sitter (and honestly don't believe in the service) nore can I bring her to work with me (municipal water utility). I can trust her in the yard, but, with the neighbors daughter living there with her aggressive "service dog" i dont want to leave her outside incase it hops the fence and attacks her. Because i would like to start lead training so she is ready for it when I take her on the annual family camping retreat. But that's like dangling a baby I front of a starving lion, and as much as I would love to get back at the neighbors for making me have to give up my sweetheart of a pit bull, I would rather not strain relations with the neighbors.