Chinese Food for a GSD Puppy?


New member
Hey guys! My 4 month old puppy has been in another city, away from me, for these few weeks because where I currently live doesn't allow dogs, and he really needed his health to stabilize. For the past few weeks (I don't approve of this btw) he's been eating a lot of leftover Chinese meals in mass quantities with 8 other security dogs at this factory that he's staying at. In a few days he will, at last, permanently live with me in a new place, and I was just wondering what y'all would recommend me to feed him. The only thing is that I live in China, so I can't really get American standardized dog food... however, I can do things like give him raw food and things along those lines as for it's very cheap here. Any advice in general would also be great and I greatly appreciate it!

Here he is, a bit dirty:
@rejoiceinfaith Obviously that's not a good diet for him at all!

That being said, I'm sure he'll be fine when you start feeding him properly. I'm not sure what a good raw diet long term looks like; I do know we've done 1 cup total, mixed white rice and cooked chicken breast when Caprica had a medical issue requiring short term diet change.

One thing to keep in mind is to NOT give your dog most bones. Never give them cooked bones, and for raw, larger beef bones (like sliced marrow bones) are fine, but don't give him chicken bones or anything like that, which are smaller or can splinter when chewed.

Sounds like you should get your dog out of the factory(?) he's in now as soon as you can and do some more research on what a healthy diet for him is. I'd suggest contacting a vet for some ideas on a good long term raw diet for your pup.
@juelfamily Yeah :(, I'm urging them to hurry bringing him to me. Besides that occassion where Caprica had to eat that, what else did he/she eat on a normal basis?

I'll make sure to give my dog those kinds of bones! Most people here I see throw away small bones anyway.

Thank you for your help, I appreciate it! :D
@rejoiceinfaith It's just a choice. I've heard you can just do it raw, but I don't know much about that diet so I just went with what I knew would be okay for him
@rejoiceinfaith GSDs have pretty sensitive stomaches so just be careful and consistent. I would stick to some cooked rice and boiled chicken if you can't get commercialized dog food. You can also feed them broccoli, cooked pumpkin, carrots, slices of apples and banana as snacks. Things to avoid: raisins, grapes, onions, garlic, chocolate, and probably a bunch of other things I'm forgetting. Just google something before giving it to your dog. Try to feed your dog twice a day and never before you're about to exercise him. Chinese people think it's bad to exercise after eating anyway and it's the same for your dog. I really hope you don't live in Beijing...the last I heard, they're killing all medium to big dogs there.
@rejoiceinfaith I feed my boy royal canin which is the best brand available in my country mixed with cooked meat, I don't do raw because They can get parasites because of it and I don't do royal canin only because He would get tired of eating the same and don't eat it at all unless I mix it with something else, also I don't know how eating just that can be healthy for a dog, meat is definitely the way to go, he loves it, I also give him liver once a week at least, and sometimes tuna with olive oil.
@hopeful1988 I totally forgot the variable of parasites entering his system with uncooked food...

Do you feed your boy at least one cooked item a day or does every meal he eat include something cooked?
@rejoiceinfaith We feed him 2 meals a day, on mornings we don't have time to cook so breakfast is usually just royal canin with either wet dog food, sardines or tuna, always on water and on olive oil once a week only since it's good for his hair and skin, and he won't eat the royal canin alone, at around 3 or 4 pm he is offered a second meal royal canine with cooked meat, chicken or fish, rarely he does a third meal, only when we people feel hungry at night and have dinner he would have a little bit of whatever protein we are having, just because you know, who can resist begging puppy eyes right?

Yeah, feeding him is very expensive but we love him anyway.