chew recommendations


New member
Our baby (corgi cardigan 9m) loves chew treats, but a lot of them last such a small amount of time for her.

We found a coffee tree stick that she loves here

I was wondering if anyone had any other recommendations for an avid chewer? Also the coffee tree stick is calorie neutral. What do you normally do for the more food based chews in terms of balancing against food?
@thegunhost We have a 17 week old dachshund who loves chewing. Our current battle is keeping her away from anything fuzzy/strings/hair. She's obsessed. Ugh. 🙄

We went with yak cheese chews. They're ultra hard, fully digestible and she loves them.

They're a bit on the expensive side as far as treats go but absolutely worth the money for us since they actually last and keep her occupied for up to a half hour at a time. I say a half hour because she has to chew for several minutes just to soften it any at all to get little shreds of it off. We monitor how much of the cheese she actually gets off in any one session so that it doesn't cause weight problems. (Dachshunds are prone to obesity).

Try to be sure that you're buying the ones with as few ingredients as possible. Some companies put lime and all sorts of things in them.

Hope this helps!
@louisjeffries I think Dachshunds and Corgis have the same weight issues.

Havent tried yaks cheese yet, thanks. I also have a constant battle trying to stop her from chewing up tennis balls. The chewing not being the issue as much as the fact she likes to eat the fluff!
@thegunhost Haha us too! We bought her the kong balls and she immediately started to defuzz them and had some fluorescent poop a few days after. We had to throw them away because she only wanted to eat the fuzz. We traded them for Holey Rollers that she loves to chase. No more fluorescent poop and nights spent in fear that she'd get an intestinal blockage. 🙄

Our vet said the yak cheese was great unless she started to develop a weight problem. Then it had to go but for now she's spot on at every check up for weight so I let her chew them like crazy.
@thegunhost Bully sticks are my go to. I have a small dog, around 18lbs, so I have to keep an eye on his calories. I think I’ve finally figured out the right amount of kibble for him to get to a healthy weight. I wish he liked the yak chews, but I recently bought him one with bacon bits and even that doesn’t appeal to him. I also get him collagen chews, those tend to last about as long as bully sticks but I think they have fewer calories.

When he was younger, I would soak and freeze most of his meals in a kong or toppl so that his chew time was also his meal time. Not exactly the same, but that’s another option to keep them out of trouble for a bit.