Car reactive


New member
When we adopted our dog last year we were told she was great in cars but she’s found her voice in the last few months has become very reactive in the car, barking incessantly and running from window to window or trying to hop up and see out the front windshield. We’re starting car focused training and got a collapsible car crate (soft side) that she only seems ok/relaxed in only when on medication.

Now for my question: Ruff Lands kennel?
I’ve heard some things about the ruff lands kennel and was hoping to solicit some feedback- both positive and negative about it before I bite the bullet since it’s so expensive. I can’t find any used ones so would have to buy new. Does it really make that big of a difference? Our girl can’t settle at all in the car w/o focusing on getting treats, otherwise very easily stimulated by the movement of items passing by (presumably cars as she can be large-truck reactive on walks). However, I am a little skeptical because our girl is also just not chill in the covered crate any time the car is moving so I don’t think blocking the visuals really is a fix all solution for us. I know it’s going to be a long journey but Tips or feedback on the Ruff Lands would be great!!
@jesusluver4031 It is not going to help your dog settle if that is what you are asking. Being able to settle is going to come down to counter conditioning & training. If I were you I would spend my money on a good trainer and start with doing Karen Overall’s relaxation protocol in your house, then do the protocol while in the car. Meanwhile doing ds/cc to the sight of cars. Then combined & you have a calm pup in the car.
@vikimahauty Thanks, yep that’s what I assumed but so many people were like “oh this crate solved all our car problems” which seemed wild to me. Karen Overall is the protocol we are working on!!
@jesusluver4031 YAY!!! Good for you! Go slow, I know some parts of it may sound stupid- but it works. Once you finish doing it in the house then do it with the dog in your parked car in a low distraction area (garage or parking space where no moving cars around).

For the second part ds/cc to moving cars you are going to need to find an ideal location… If you can find a hilltop that is 1/2 to 1 mile or so from a road that would be a good starting point. As soon as car comes into view then you drop a handful of high value treats on the ground.