Can H-harnesses be fixed?


New member
So, I recently got a Zee dog H-harness for my dog. We got home one day and she instantly zoomed under my bed, and I couldn’t get her harness off. I thought it would be fine and left her alone for a while. When she had finally come out, I noticed her harness falling off of her. She had chewed it off. I acknowledge this is my fault. I shouldn’t have left her alone with it but is there any way I can fix it? I had only used it twice since I purchased it. Has anyone been able to fix their harnesses? I was thinking of taking it to some seamstress to sew it back together but I’m not sure? It’s quite a thick fabric. It just seems like a waste because it was barely used. I don’t want to let go of it yet. huhu

Any advice would be appreciated.
@bloempje That really sucks, but I wouldn't chance it with a repair. It's like any piece of safety gear - as soon as you see signs of serious wear, just replace it.