Cam I leave my puppies alone at 2 weeks for 8 hours a day?


New member
I live by myself don't know anyone in my area. Horrible timing as I started a new job then came home and she gave birth that day. I told new job about the puppies coming up and the first two weeks I can't work 8 hours but after that I should be fine moving forward. At 2 weeks old will they be fine if I leave 8 hours a day? They are mini chihuahuas mom has her own room taking good care of them
@stephendrish If it’s just 3 it’s probably be fine. It really depends on your enclosure, will the pups have constant warmth? How will the mom get in/out without the pups falling out? Can you ensure that she’ll feed them when your gone? Even at 2 weeks the mom can still suffocate them while nursing so that’s also something to consider.
@flyinq I have her in a separate room with a space heater . The box is tall enough the pups can't get out. I've worked for like 4 or 5 hours and she's been fine
@stephendrish If the space heaters warm enough and there’s room for mama to do her own thing without the pups getting out(also if box is big enough) I’d say they’ll be fine. Just remember they’ll be able to and want to jump out of that box sooner than you think if the mom can so I would puppy proof that room as best you can. Our pups started being able to jump out around 4 weeks and will search every nook and cranny they can get into