C r a t e training question I can’t seem to find the answer to


New member
Hey guys I’ve read all the c r a t e training posts and wikis but i can’t find the answer to this...

And what time do I move the crate to her final spot? My pup took to the crate perfectly from night one and only whimpers to evacuate her bowels. She knows to use the pads but it’s only been 4 days

Is it too soon to move the crate to the final destination or should it be slowly dragged to the destination further and further from the bed room starting spot ???
@twingate843 We had the crate in its final place from day 1 but I have seen some people on here move it to outside their bedroom door first before moving it into its final spot. Perhaps try that? Each pup is different so there is no perfect answer really.
@twingate843 I’m new to puppyhood, but I didn’t realize that there was a method of waiting to move the crate. I’ve been putting ours in the family room where we spend days, and then moving it to my bedroom at night. He doesn’t seem to care. I’ve made sure the cat stays out of it no matter where it is so he knows it’s his and only his.
@twingate843 We followed Zak George’s puppy crate training advice (YouTube) and it worked perfectly for us.

We gently and slowly got the puppy interested in the crate luring her in with treats.

During the day we keep the crate in the dining room/kitchen where we are mostly at. We only use the crate during the day for naps and for short periods of time when we cannot directly supervise our puppy.

At night, for the first week (our puppy was 8 weeks old when we got her) I moved the crate into our bedroom right beside our bed. Our puppy did fantastic sleeping next to us. After a week I moved the crate back to the kitchen/dining room for her to sleep at night.

The advice I have always followed is early on during the day always move the crate to whichever room you are in the most. At night for at least the first few nights move the crate next to where you sleep. Has always worked perfectly for us (we have had 4 dogs in 14 years).

HTH and Good Luck!

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