Building a dog pen in the back of a pickup - Advice


New member
So I'm planning to get a dog in the next few months (a miniature alaskan klee kai), and I would like to be able to have my dog with me at work. Sadly I work in a laboratory, so the dog can't come inside, but the dog can be outside in the parking lot. I'm thinking about building a playpen in the back of my truck for the dog to stay in during the day. I work in a very nice, temperate climate in San jose. It doesn't get too hot or too cold, and it pretty much never rains. The parking lot backs up to an orchard, so we can go on walks there every couple of hours.

I'm thinking about lining the bed with fake grass, Having a crate in the back, some toys, water, a wifi webcam, and a radio(up high, away from chewing).

Here are my questions:
  • What material should I use to surround the bed and prevent the dog from jumping out? I'm thinking about maybe pvc coated wire. Has anyone seen something like this that is prefab?
  • Should I put a top on the thing if it's already 4.5ft tall? Putting a top on it would make it more complicated to build, and harder to get into the area to clean, but maybe be more secure?
  • Has anyone ever tried or seen something like this before?
@alanaspapa Why? Just leave your dog at home. Who would want to be stuck in the bed of a pickup all day (a metal box)? Especially when it's 70s-90s or raining. Why does everyone feel the need to take their dogs everywhere when they can't go in? They're safer and happier being left at home. This is not safe or in the best interest of the dog.

Also, I hope you look at Klee Kai rescues first. Trust me, they're out there.
@alanaspapa After potty training and teaching them manners, you wouldn't have to confine your dog to any specific room in the house. They'll likely just chill and wait for you to get home. But if it's between the pickup playpen or the bathroom, the bathroom would be the better option.
@alanaspapa I honestly think the weather is going to work against you. With high temps in the 80s in the summer, your vehicle will get hotter than expected and you won't be on hand to monitor it. That's not safe for any dog, but judging by Klee Kais' coats, they particularly won't fare well in hot temps.

It seems like a good idea in theory but I'd be too nervous to try it with my dog, both because of temperatures and because of other people. There are stories every year of humans purposely poisoning dogs, stealing dogs, teasing dogs, and generally not being kind to dogs. It would only take one ignorant (or cruel) person walking past your truck and doing something dumb (or mean) near your dog to harm her mentally and/or physically.
@alanaspapa Don't.

Leave the dog at home. Dogs can spend 16 hours a day sleeping and that is most likely what's happening when you're not at home. Leaving the dog in the car all day is going to be more stressful for the animal than you would think, even if it is a miniature playpen.

You mention leaving the dog in the bathroom all day; why would you do that? Once a dog is house-trained, tight confinement in that way would be somewhat unnecessary would it not? Let us know why you would keep the dog in the bathroom, I'm sure we can help you find another way :)
@alanaspapa Sounds like a superb idea. My few pointers would be
  • Is it a secure car park? Will random people be able to walk past
  • Have a secure roof. A klee kai is the sort of dog who will figure out a way to climb out of just about anything
  • Padlock the pen. Even if the carpark is secure you never know
  • Invest in a GPS tracker , like the Tagg system. Somerhing that will give you an instant warning if she gets out
  • It's sounds like you'll be checking on her fairly regularly.
  • What's your plan in the event of bad weather like a sudden storm, surprise heatwave, wtc
@imagebeastmarkbeast Thanks for the input. I like the top idea also because I can put something waterproof over the top in case of a storm (though. I suppose a solid top crate would also give shelter in that case).

The car park is not fenced in, but is about 80% empty and in a very industrial area, away from normal pedestrians. This is one of the reasons I wanted the webcam, to help make sure nobody is harassing the dog.

Great idea on the gps tagging and padlock. I was already planning on the padlock, but I didn't even know the gps thing existed. It might be a bit large for my puppy though

In terms of a heatwave, the dog would have to stay in my air conditioned apartment, but as you can see here:
The climate is pretty tolerable