

New member
Hello y’all!

I’m a new groomer who just recently graduated grooming school and am currently just grooming my friends dogs from home until I get more confident and some more experience under my belt. So far I’m loving it but now that I’m doing it alone I occasionally need a little help.

So with that said, I have a question about grooming a briard, a breed I’m unfamiliar with, so I’d like some advice and input from more experienced groomers. What kind of cut would y’all recommend? When I try to google it to see if I can find any examples all I see is a super shaggy body and face that I feel like would basically just be a clean up and outline trim. Or I saw a few with a bit of a visor/some brows. Which hey, if that’s keeping it classic briar I’m all for it.

If anyone has any advice or input I’d appreciate it. I basically I just wanna make sure he looks real handsome.

Thanks in advance!
@christians8w Briards are supposed to be natural. Only thing that’s trimmed are their feet. It’s a lot of maintenance though. Depending on coat quality and lifestyle, you’ll be bathing about once a week. High quality shampoo, conditioner and brushing spray is a must.

If you’re not wanting to keep up with that level of maintenance, then you can do whatever cut you want! The body is most “pet friendly” kept short. Personally, I love the fall and I know most people keep it braided or banded out of their eyes. But pet people HATE that lol.
@ess Ok cool! That’s what I was thinking was keeping it more of a natural look, just cleaned up with paw pads/feet and sanitary with a good brush out and small outline trim. I’d have to ask about being banded up but I think they’re the kind that wouldn’t love that look 😅
@idrys It depends a lot on your water type and the dog’s individual coat needs. I find that Hydra Moisturizing line is a good starting point! I also love iGroom and Chris Christensen.

I’ve actually got a person in my area who makes a brushing spray with goat’s milk and it smells so good and works so well! But almost anything from CC, iGroom and Hydra work well :)
@christians8w I groom 2 who are kept to breed standard, so just paw pads and feet, and occasionally, they get a very minimal sanitary clean up.

Totally just depends on owner preference. If I had one myself, I think I'd keep it in a tighter outline trim and keep the fall tied up.

When clipped down, the hair is kind of like, the texture of a doodle with loose curls? You could definitely make a cute fluffy style
@bell122855 Cool! Thank you! I was leaning towards just keeping it natural and simple, and also was thinking a little tighter on the outline, so this was very helpful. Knowing the owners it’s doubtful they’re gonna want the fall tied up, ha. Feel like that’s very dependent on the owners taste. So if they want the eyes more exposed I’ll probably just do a slight visor trim, but again, just depending what they want. Thank you! You’ve been very helpful.