

New member
Hello y’all!

I’m a new groomer who just recently graduated grooming school and am currently just grooming my friends dogs from home until I get more confident and some more experience under my belt. So far I’m loving it but now that I’m doing it alone I occasionally need a little help.

So with that said, I have a question about grooming a briard, a breed I’m unfamiliar with, so I’d like some advice and input from more experienced groomers. What kind of cut would y’all recommend? When I try to google it to see if I can find any examples all I see is a super shaggy body and face that I feel like would basically just be a clean up and outline trim. Or I saw a few with a bit of a visor/some brows. Which hey, if that’s keeping it classic briar I’m all for it.

If anyone has any advice or input I’d appreciate it. I basically I just wanna make sure he looks real handsome.

Thanks in advance!
@christians8w Briards are supposed to be natural. Only thing that’s trimmed are their feet. It’s a lot of maintenance though. Depending on coat quality and lifestyle, you’ll be bathing about once a week. High quality shampoo, conditioner and brushing spray is a must.

If you’re not wanting to keep up with that level of maintenance, then you can do whatever cut you want! The body is most “pet friendly” kept short. Personally, I love the fall and I know most people keep it braided or banded out of their eyes. But pet people HATE that lol.
@ess Ok cool! That’s what I was thinking was keeping it more of a natural look, just cleaned up with paw pads/feet and sanitary with a good brush out and small outline trim. I’d have to ask about being banded up but I think they’re the kind that wouldn’t love that look 😅
@idrys It depends a lot on your water type and the dog’s individual coat needs. I find that Hydra Moisturizing line is a good starting point! I also love iGroom and Chris Christensen.

I’ve actually got a person in my area who makes a brushing spray with goat’s milk and it smells so good and works so well! But almost anything from CC, iGroom and Hydra work well :)