Breeder has committed theft?

@sue782 If she has such a big social media following, I would start announcing your concerns on social media about the dangerous procedures she's putting these puppies through so young and about the issues you're having in getting a refund of your money for not wanting to complete the purchase on a puppy that has been disadvantaged from the start by having parts of them removed that will drastically affect their development. Make sure to name drop and emphasize how concerned you are for the well-being of these puppies as a direct result of her unsafe practices.
@dazzling1 happens in rescue every day regardless of breed. it’s a stipulation for shelters and rescues that their animals need to be spayed or neutered before adoption
@joymatt In a Australia the minimum age is 4 months. Dogs who are spayed/neutered before 6 months have a 70% increased risk of developing hip dysplasia.
@dazzling1 oh i didn’t know it differed in australia i know in the states all rescues and shelters spay/neuter before adopting out even if it has to be a pediatric spay/neuter to avoid more unwanted litters bc unfortunately too many owners are irresponsible and don’t take steps to prevent pregnancy while waiting the recommended amount of time before spay/neuter.
@joymatt Its a bloody awful situation you guys must have to be doing this, even with the health risks. People can be such inconsiderate arseholes with their neglect.
@dazzling1 in my area specifically it’s so bad that my local shelter has taken on about 4 hoarding cases in the past maybe year and a half maybe less, i believe 2 of those cases had to be spread out between multiple counties and there was one a couple years ago where a rescue from another state had to step in for an extreme hoarding situation that had around 100 bunnies and i think 15ish cats. it sucks that people can’t even be a little bit responsible with their pets when it comes to breeding unwanted litters bc “oh she’s so pretty i want her to have 1 litter before she’s spayed” or “i need my dog to carry on his legacy” too many people have those mindsets or just think bc they can sell the puppies that it makes it okay to contribute to the disgusting amount of unwanted pets that either sit in a cage for years, get bounced from owner to owner, or end up needing to be euthanized to make room for more unwanted animals
@joymatt It sounds like mental illness is causing issues. I normally hate the idea of any government intervention but maybe this is a valid reason to implement some licensing system that if you have a pet dog, cat, bunny etc they must be de-sexed or something like this I.E holding owners responsible. It's just wrong but then again sometimes people aren't fit to be parents and shouldn't have children either lol... what to do.
@sue782 You should have the option to de-sex the dog, point blank. It’s your pet. On top of that, for large breeds, dogs shouldn’t be de sexed before six months, preferably closer to 18 months if at all possible. This seems like a bizarre situation and I’m sorry you’re going through it.
@sue782 I think that they may be doing this to prevent people from breeding their pups (adding to the market and also contributing to shelter dogs). They may have had some issues recently with someone who adopted a pup breeding them out of contract or did not get them neutered/spayed at the time specified in the contract. A lot of breeders from what I've heard will keep a pup of the next generation and spay/neuter the rest for adoption; usually, they have to hold onto them longer too so it's not so much a big deal. I've heard of many cat breeders for example keeping kittens 12-14 weeks and also recommending not having them spayed until at least 6 months for optimal hormonal health. It could be they are doing this since those interested want the dogs sooner.
That said, her not responding or issuing a refund is not good practice. You didn't say you were no longer interested or were not going through with the purchase so her taking the deposit and ignoring you is just..theft. I'm not sure about Australian laws, but I would assume she would at least be held to some standards around transactions in small claims (?) If there aren't laws specifically about animal purchase & breeding contracts.
Good luck. It could just be she is doing things in this way to keep her business safe. Whether it's good for the dogs or not is often irrelevant & she doesn't want to be associated with poor breeding practices. Her popularity could be false, mostly from friends & family, or even just be a lot of clueless people who don't bother checking things like this & you're one of the few to bring it up. Plus if she reacts like this to people who question her, clearly they aren't getting put on her page as a successful adoption.
@sue782 I’d just find the breeders address and pay them a little visit to their home cuz I don’t care how we settle it, I’d make sure I’d get my money back.
@darkgalaxy501 I agree with you. Every vet I spoke to almost cried. Going under anetshia can kill them, and desxing to young inhibits their growth plate development, which is why they get arthritis in adulthood

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