Boarding 11 m.o. puppy


New member
I'm boarding my lab/retriever for the first time. I'm going to visit a couple boarders tomorrow. I'm a little worried since he's never been away from me for more than 6 or 7 hours.
My concern is that since I brought him home 8 months ago, he's slept on my bed (he's a little spoiled). He's still in the chewing stage, although not as bad as he used to be. He has completely destroyed 3 or 4 pet beds. I can't see him sleeping on a hard kennel floor, but think he'd likely destroy a bed within the first hour, especially if he was suffering anxiety of being left.
Any suggestions? Or should I just try not to worry about him sleeping on the floor. Any suggestions appreciated
@needtobreathe7 They should have the beds that are up off the floor— but not fluffy. Like a little platform. They aren’t soft but they’re also safe. I would personally say the risk of ingesting stuffing or fabric and no one seeing it is greater than the “hard” bed.
@renie They won't let him sleep in their bed with them? Lol
I'm going to check them out tomorrow. Thanks for the help. I'm probably worried about stuff that I don't need to worry about
@needtobreathe7 Oh! If it’s a person in their house— they might. I thought you meant like a kennel…. We had one of those platform kind of beds and while the dog avoided it, my kid regularly used it as a place to read so it can’t be too bad…. lol
@renie I was kidding. I've thought about getting one of the raised beds but not sure he'd use it. I just had him neutered so hoping he calms down some, maybe chew less
@needtobreathe7 I used to work at a kennel. We had raised beds you can use for extra $. Our floors were also heated so they weren't cold. 😊🐾 If you have an other questions about boarding let me know! 😁 Obviously each facility is different, but I'll help with what I can. 😊
@felipetortella I'm going to visit a couple of places tomorrow. Although I've almost always had dogs, I haven't boarded one in about 20 years. My late partner and I had 3 labs that were siblings (only 1 left 15 y.o.) we rarely went anywhere because of the dogs. It can be scary and sad leaving them with strangers. I might message you after I visit places. Thanks for your help
@cisk777 Some have concrete floors. I wasn't really sure, all I know is that he doesn't have a bed to take with him because he's destroyed every one he or my other dog had. I'm just needlessly worrying. He's a 75 pound puppy that has a mind of his own and hasn't been away from me or home since the day I got him.
Fortunately I've found someone that cares for them from home. When I asked where the dogs sleep, she told me either in with her kids, or in bed with her and her husband. She said if that's not ok they have inside it outside kennels. Hell fit right in.

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