Best vet explanation of how medication like prozac works


New member
OK this is a very tough video to watch and involves abused sun bears (don't watch if you would prefer not to)

However the vet is absolutely fabulous on learned helplessness, stress hormones and how it interferes with the ability of the bear to learn (about 4 minutes in)

The story of a broken bear... and how we will mend her heart

I just though of reactive dogs when I watched it. People who are anti medication need to realise that it doesn't need to be extreme suffering like this to prescribe.

Quality of life and the animals peace and happiness should be our priority imo!
@failte This is such an excellent article! Thank you

I have not personally reached the level of requiring medication with my pretty straightforward reactive dog (90 percent frustration) but I would not hesitate to do so at any point in his life if he required it.

Yes I very much have reactivity light compared to so many on this sub.

However he has an immense startle reflex for surprises (not sleep startle) and now that his frustration is coming under control I do see his breed anxiety.. just a little.

Quality of life for him just as it would be for pain meds or any other medical treatment. Of course behavioural medication doesn't work just on its own.. but then so does no other medication

All require adaption to environment or exercise types and routines. Changes of bed.. food... oh so much

I find it terrible we place behaviour issues so separately as we do with humans mental health.

It is not weak or wrong to use medical science.. of all sorts including therapy... but medication as well.

The vet in that article puts it so well

It is about what works for the dog and indeed we should value quality of life of the owners as well.