Best dog bed for super aggressive chewers?


New member
So my dog is going to end up in his crate at night, because he chews holes in our comforter. I don’t want to not give him a comfy place to sleep, but he legit chews up e v e r y t h i n g. We’ve given him beds and blankets in the past, and BOOM gone, chewed up, destroyed. Does anyone have recommendations on beds and or blankets he can sleep on in his crate? We don’t normally give him anything when he goes in his crate during the day when we run errands, and when I take him to work he gets his bed (that stays at work) and he’s always in my sight (so when he chews on it I catch him). I just want him to sleep somewhere comfy at night at least, even if he’s a destructive little shit.
@acsula I’m not a dog expert but from what I have seen on this sub and what my relative told me about his adult dogs, dogs who chew do it out of boredom/frustration. Is there any way you can mentally stimulate your dog? Like with those dog puzzles, they are pretty cool. Here’s a link:

Also, maybe tiring your dog out with more frequent walks might help. If it’s a puppy, then idk but teething is uncomfortable, I’ve heard.
@ahpavlik I agree with this. Better to treat the cause instead of the symptoms, since an adult dog should normally not be chewing that much.
Or train the dog not to chew (which requires removing anything he whoosh chew and that you keep an eye on it all time when it has access to things he shouldn't chew).

I wonder what breed the dog is and how old it is?
@ahpavlik He’s 1.5 years old, and half pit. He’s just always chewed on stuff, no matter what. He’s smart and well trained, the only thing I can’t seem to break him of is chewing.