Best Bone/Chewing toy for my anxious small dog?


New member
Hi everyone!

I’m looking for a long-lasting bone for my dog who is a chronic paw licker when he’s anxious. He’s a chihuahua mix but goes through greenies and bones too quick.

He’s very picky about his bones. We rescued him and he’s never played with toys. He has no interest in fake bones like the Benebone, and right now I have him chewing the Kindfull Chew Toy, the serving size is 1/3 of the toy a day for his size. However, he’s licking his paws if I take it away.

We’ve gotten him a cone as well but he absolutely dreads it and spends his time trying to take it off. I try to switch off between cone and only a chew treat when I’m home with him, but I’d like to find something a little tougher so it lasts longer and he can’t eat it as quickly.

Thanks so much in advance!