Behavior issues with dogs and toddler


New member
So I have a 1 yr old basset hound named M, 2.5 yr old son and a 8 yr English bulldog named O(he was surrendered by a visiting family member a couple months ago).

3 very sweet boys but there’s huge problems with how they all play with each other.

M problems: our basset M initiates rough house play ALL THE TIME with the bulldog O. It’s relentless. I’ve tried intervening, creating cues for them to separate, and “let dogs be dogs” to see if O would show M he was done. I am at a loss how to get M to stop harassing this old man.

M Pros- he is super gentle with our toddler. They play together and couldn’t be better with him. Which we had M from a puppy and put a lot of training into that bond.

O problems: O’s problem is even though he’s extremely submissive to our basset whenever he is around our toddler he gets very reactive. He use to aggressively bite at anyones hand trying to pick up a toy truck or fake fruit from the ground. Any toy looking object he would full force snap at you. We have worked really hard on that and it’s less of an occurrence, be he continues to chase our toddler down and try to attack the toy in his hand any chance he gets. Thankfully he’s never bit our son yet cause I’ve always been there, but it’s terrifying.

O pro- he’s a big sweet couch potato if it’s only him in the house with you. He was an only dog in an emotionally neglectful home prior to living here.

Any tools or suggestions on how I can get some harmony and safety for everyone to exist together???