behavior changes at two years


New member
So my female gsb is almost 2. Before you c h eer something odd is happening. She has always been pretty independent. Pets suen she feels like it. Likes to know where I am but doesn't need to be I.y lap all the time. Loved going to daycare.

In the last 2 weeks she has decided being away from me is murder. Freaks getting dropped off at daycare then has fun. Has to be almost touching all the time. She never really was much of a cuddle but now she's in grill 24-7. She doesn't act fearful per se but not sure what's up. Seriously doubt something wrong at her daycare. Whole place has cameras and I can watch when I wish.

@childofgod001 This is probably just a phase (German Shepherds mature more slowly than most breeds). My wife & I have raised two and, once fully grown, they were both rather aloof. They loved us & trusted us & protected us, but they were never cuddly at all.