Bath time help


New member
Anybody have any tips for a dog who hates baths? I have a rescue lab mix (almost 1.5yrs) and I’m not sure of her history before I got her but she HATES baths. I’ve only given her 1 successful bath in the 3 months I’ve had her because last time I got her into the bathroom she shakes and pants and won’t go near the bathtub. I have plenty of treats for her (which she’s not interested in once she stresses out) and have some of her favorite toys in the bathroom with us. I use lavender scented shampoo and gave her cbd treats beforehand to try and calm her down a bit. I’m at a total loss for what to do because she hates it so much. I can’t even start trying to do some positive association with it. I’m at my whits ends and don’t have the budget to take her to a groomer. Any advice is appreciated!!
@shonna I definitely recommend a lick mat with peanut butter or yogurt as well as a towel on the bottom of the tub to prevent sipping. But first you have to get her comfortable even going into the bathroom.

Lure her in with treats. Start by giving her a treat if she goes to the door. Repeat that a couple of times. Then treat her if she steps into the room. Repeat. Treat her if she moves toward the tub. Repeat. You get the idea. This could take days or even weeks before she starts to associate the bathroom/tub with something good. With rescue dogs you truly don’t know their history. She could be having to overcome some huge trauma, so give her time. Most dogs don’t need frequent bathing anyway, in fact it can dry out their skin by stripping the natural oils.

Once you get her comfy in the bathroom, you might even try getting in the tub WITH her and the lick mat to show her it’s ok. I used to do this with my 60 lb black lab. Throw on a bathing suit and prepare for a fun adventure 🤣
@tabernaculumnus Do this but don't wear a bathing suit! I did that the first time and my puppy scratched me badly. Wear old clothes you don't mind throwing in the washing machine right away.
@shonna Maybe just a lukewarm water not hot and not cold a friend of mine would get his dogs a bath with the outside hose so they definitely hated it and I told him because of the cold water once he started using just warm water they were a lot better hope this helps you
@shonna Get dog bath soap from the pet store maybe some of the soap you're using the smell or causes a skin irritation make sure to stay away from the eyes but I'm sure you do hope it helps
@shonna Long term if you manage to get her into the bathroom and just be there then leave with lots of rewards for a bit and do this with every step it can help. So in the bathtub without water or wash a bunch and leave the bathroom and do rewards. It can help with minimising stress and with a positive response from the bathroom.
@zach_ We unfortunately have a big low spot in our yard and it’s raining a ton lately and creating a small pond so every time she goes outside she gets muddy and she stinks. Just trying to help with the smell she’s got going on from all the water
@shonna I used special treats for baths, meat instead of dog treats. The temperature and atowel for slipping as others mentioned. Lastly, I started getting in with her (for me that meant sitting on the edge of the tub with my feet in). She still never liked them, but was more comfortable.

They also make a no-rinse dog shampoo, and wipes. They helped a little for maintenance.
@shonna Put peanut butter on the sides of the bathtub she will probably be licking that off for a while and then you can hose her down with warm water. I would suggest using Burt's Bees shampoo for dogs with sensitive skin. You may have to get in the tub with her. Have fun and don't bathe her too often.
@shonna We smear peanut butter on the wall and it works amazing. My dog barely pays attention to the actual bath if there is peanut butter infront of him 😂😂
@shonna I had one dog that hated them but I figured out what he hated the most was not being able to get any grip with his feet so I got a bathtub mat for traction and he chilled out enough for me to bathe him. Still didn’t LIKE it lol
@shonna This may sound ridiculous but can you just lather on the shampoo and then like...spray them down with hose outside. Realize not a log term solution but 🤷‍♀️
@shonna A mat to make it less slippy on paws, use a cup and a basin of water in the tub instead of filling the tub itself, and remember that one single area washed is better than no areas washed.

In the meantime between washes, it’s time to make the bathroom the most outrageously fun and awesome place for your lab to be. No bath, no trying even. Bathing her will not be the goal. The goal will be having a relaxed dog in the bathroom. A curious dog, even. And work from there desensitizing to all the parts and stages of a bath.
@shonna If you have a shower with a hose. use that. I had a dog that had the same behaviour. We'd have to close the door and with warm water, soak her down and then gently wash while talking quietly. She loved the feeling afterwards, usually making a complete mess when she shook to dry herself off.