Barking interpretation: how to tell the difference?


New member
My dog barks a fair amount.
1. She barks at passers by and rabbits from the window and the same when outside. No tail wagging. Once the stimulus is gone, it stops.
2. At night, she paces the front yard, barking at the nothing in particular. I think it’s her territorial anxiety.
3. She barks at some guests but not others. I used to think it was dog owners she was comfortable with, but not so sure anymore.
4. Maybe a year or two ago, she started barking at extended family even though they literally stop by daily and she regularly spends time at their house without barking. Her barks are constant when they walk up, her tail is wagging, but she avoids being pet by them. I can get her to stop barking by petting her.
5. The whole time we’ve had her (3 yrs), she’s barked at my husband when he walks into the house or even into the bedroom. She barks at him tail wagging but refuses to be pet. Then sometimes she’ll snuggle w him in bed but not often.
6. Just recently, she started barking at my 9yo daughter when she comes home or out of her room, but unlike my hubby, she will let my daughter pet her and then settles. She doesn’t bark at my 2 older children.

I appreciate there is a commonality to all of this barking. But how do I read the barking in the different situations. Does the tail wag matter? Does the approach but refuse to be pet indicate something different than approach and allow petting? Should I listen to the sound of the bark?

Just wondering if barks can be interpreted in any meaningful way.
@ramya There's a book called "barking: the sound of a language" that I found to be very useful. It walks through scenarios in which a dog barks, how it may sound and how to explore possibilities and options to meet the needs of the dog.

I personally loved it. It was also the best among other books I found because all the others were focusing on how to get the barking to stop.
@ramya My dog, Toccio, does that same thing, (tail wagging but barking) especially with tall men he meets outside. I realized this on our first walk the day after I adopted him. When he saw the first stranger he met on the sidewalk, he was all waggliy tail and looked like he was approaching to be friendly. But when the tall man turned around to greet him, Toccio growled, barked and snapped! I felt awful and confused.

Did you adopt your dog? do you know her history?

with you in spirit :)
@awretchlikeme We rescued her at 1yo. She’s a 4yo pit mix. Affectionate and protective. Don’t know her backstory other than she was surrendered with her brother. She does have 2 bbs in her belly. She came to us well trained. The barking and territorial aggression are her only faults. She very attached and submissive/gentle to me.