Aussie Physical Limits

How far can an Aussie run for? I’ve been riding my bike with mine for 2.5-3.5 miles (varied speeds) for the past few months and now she’s no longer napping after the runs so I’m thinking of increasing the distance incrementally.
@thelordbeexalted91 What are you trying to do with the running? If you are trying to exhaust her so she sleeps: don't, you are only training her stamina. You need to make sure she gets enough mental stimulation (sniffing, puzzle toys, training etc) and focus on teaching her to settle, because you'll never exhaust a dog like an Aussie.

As for how far she can run: if she is fully grown, you build it up and pay attention to her physical condition, just do it. Be careful with too much running on hard surfaces and the condition of her paws, because some high energy dogs will run until they are injured if you let them.
@dshort The goal is physical and mental stimulation, she doesn’t have issues with settling nor is she bored. She’s very happy at the end of the rides so I do it so she’s happy for the remainder of the day. It’s more that I use her naps to judge how much running she can handle, and her gait as she runs. She also has boots for her runs on pavement.
@thelordbeexalted91 As long as you don't think you can keep exhausting her and you are okay with needing to keep exercising her for the stamina you are building, it sounds like you are doing fine! Just pay attention to her body and whether she is doing well, and there's no reason you can't increase the amount she runs! I don't think there's a hard limit somewhere that you shouldn't exceed.
@aftershock777 Here's a sneak peek of /r/RunningWithDogs using the top posts of the year!

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#3: My long-time running partner died at 14 and a half last summer, and it hasn’t been the same without a pup around. Only like 10 more months until I can start running with my new little buddy! | 21 comments

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