Attention all dog breeders! We need your help!


New member
Me and my friends breeders are conducting a short survey on dog breeding and we would love to hear from you! After you fill out the survey, you have a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card since we will be choosing several candidates to have a short interview with us about dog breeding after which they will be rewarded Amazon gift cards.

Your valuable input will help us better understand the current landscape of dog breeding and identify areas where improvements can be made since we are trying to develop an app to make dog breeding more enjoyable for everyone!

Thank you in advance for your time and participation! Together, we can create a better future for our furry friends. Click the link below to start the survey now!
  1. Dog breeding isn’t and shouldn’t be an occupation or business. You can’t be an ethical and responsible breeder and make a profit unless you’re somehow charging tens of thousands of dollars per puppy. It’s okay if you make a little bit of profit, but if that’s the goal or the purpose of your breeding you are either a backyard breeder at best or a puppy mill at worst.
  2. It is impossible to have more than 2-3 liters a year and consider yourself a reputable breeder. It’s impossible to provide the proper care for that many puppies, and if you’re doing more than that you are a puppy mill. Period.
  3. If you need an app to make the breeding fun, then you’re into breeding for the wrong reasons. Most reputable breeders aren’t going to have time to keep up with another app on top of what they are already doing
@redeemed2000 This! We’re doing just fine thanks. We barely have time for updating our 20 year old websites lol! So we don’t! Thank you Runic! You covered all the bases beautifully.

P.s. for all we know this is a PETA scam. No thank you.
@redeemed2000 Thank you for the insight we really fo appreciate it. I wanted to share few comments. We want to develop an app for responsible dog breeders exclusively. 2-3 litters a year sounds reasonable, but we (me and my friends) simply don't know enough about dog breeding, therefore this survey and follow up interviews - we want to better learn so we can build an app that will be meaningful to responsible dog breeders. We find that breeding itself is fun but a bunch of other non-breeding activities aren't - great example is website maintenance that was mentioned, or boring paperwork. This is what we are looking to solve. Thanks again!
@creexpl (Also none of this is meant to be passive aggressive) But I would focus a lot more on learning what responsible breeding actually is and what it takes before even thinking about making an app. When I looked at your survey, most of the questions and options screamed irresponsible breeding at me, and you’ll have a hard time having reputable breeders wanting to use your app if that continues.
@redeemed2000 I don’t want to buy a puppy from anyone who sees raising dogs as a fun part-time hobby. Breeding dogs is not a fun little hobby and it requires years of education and constant dedication . Hobby breeder or backyard breeder’s dogs are in the worst conditions and do not get all of the attention and care that they deserve. I only will purchase from breeders that do the business full-time. It’s like raising your children. You can’t just do it part time and put them in cages while you are at work. Our dogs deserve better.

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