At what temperature does my ACD need a coat?

My wife and adopted an ACD from our local SPCA in July and my other dog is an Italian greyhound. To go for a walk in 30 degree Fahrenheit weather the IG wears full flannel pjs with a t-shirt underneath (and even then I think he's a little cold). Does my ACD need a sweater or jacket? I'm guess you are going to say "no." If the answer is "no," at what temperature would you bundle them up?

Also, I seriously love this cattle dog, she is so sweet. Before having her I could never imagine letting a dog sleep in my bed, and now I have a hard time sleeping without her!

If you're like, \"How did you get a purebred from the SPCA??\" She's not quite, but she's 75% ACD.
@oncelostbutnowfound Hard to say, since a mix could be 3/4 ACD but still have a significantly shorter and sparser coat than a purebred, and/or a significantly more delicate build. I've owned all kinds of mixes and usually base the decision on, At what temperature, if any, does s/he start shivering during breaks in light activity (like while waiting at a traffic light during a walk)? Then add about 5 degrees (F) to that, and that's when s/he gets a coat. It won't hurt her if she has to get a little cold a few times before you figure it out. I highly doubt a 3/4 ACD will ever need leg protection or additional layers underneath, unless she'll be doing long walks in subzero F temps.
@harpazo777 Thanks for your response. I've never seen her shiver before, she seems generally unaffected by the cold. She does like to be inside, but that's true of all weather conditions. I'm going to skip the clothing. I think I'm just paranoid b/c I have this very delicate dog that gets cold easily.