As previously promised here is my results of my survey I posted here last week


New member
The below all translates to basically in general dogs are a healthy weight, owners are aware of their dogs weight, dry food is the popular food and weight is mainly determined by breed. I also found out a bit more the reason why people feed this type of dog food, the most common reason being that the dog seems to prefer it. There is not much research in this area so that was interesting.
Didn't really answer my question as I didn't target obese dog owners but did reveal owners who are very considerate of their dogs health :)

Thank you guys for all your interest and help filling my questionnaire out :D

***A total of 115 valid responses were used in a range of descriptive statistics. The data was spilt into four groups; Pedigree (P, N = 62), Cross breed (Cb, N = 26), Mixed breed (Mb, N = 17) and Unknown (Un, N = 10) for ease of analysis and any potential comparisons. A cross tabulation test was used to find if there was any biases to one breed or age group, it was found that no breed or age outnumbered others. It was also found that only a very small portion of the responses had any incident of heart related health issues (Heart murmurs = 4) so this could not be used in any further analysis. Within all groups it was found that less than 1% of the dogs were overweight and on a diet management program.

A frequency test was used within each group to find out the percentages of the most frequent type of feed and why the owners choose the type of fed. It was found that throughout all groups dry was the common feed used by owners and the main reasons given for the choice of dog food were the dog seems to prefer the food or It was easy to feed (P = 64.5%, 40.3%, 30.6%. Cb = 41.2 %, 76.5%, 58.8%. Mb = 61.5%, 46.2%, 42.3%. Un = 60%, 60%, 50%). A second frequency test was performed on the variables of how often the dog was fed and how often treats were given. The results showed that the majority of owners fed their dogs twice a day (P = 72.6%, Cb = 73.1%, Mb = 64.7% and Un = 70%). For how often treats were fed the majority for all groups were given treats on a daily basis (P = 82.3%, Cb = 84.6%, Mb = 88.2% and Un = 60%).

Cross tabulation was carried out on multiply variables to analysis distribution of responses and any potential relationships that were not apparent through other methods. The first test was comparing body score with actual weight of the dog. The results showed a clear relationship between the body score of 3 and the majority of owners choosing the ideal opinion for their dogs weight, this was shown throughout all groups . It was also discovered in a second test that with the body score of 3 and the most common routine for exercise was walking twice a day.

A third test revealed that the weight of the dog had no clear relationship with the walking routine or additional exercise. A fourth test of the source of information that would most commonly be used by owners for their obese dogs was found to be veterinarian professionals, with only a minority being professionals themselves so would use their own resources which is accounted for in the missing responses.***

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