Anyone rehome a dog they love? How are things now that it’s over?


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I have a beautiful GSD (I’ve always wanted one) I have to rehome due to a resident dog that attacked and bit her. We’ve kept the dogs separated since June, when the major attack occurred. An acquaintance who lives nearby may take her, which might be nice - she’d only be 10 blocks away, but… it’s not the same.

It’ll be a few weeks before we can do this exchange, but during this time, I just see her, one of my best friends, and it’s deeply depressing. I have only had her for 6 months, but I’m very bonded to her.

If you’ve had to rehome a dog you love - how are you feeling now, weeks/months/years later?
@crissedechris We had to rehome a dog that would bolt through the fence at loud noises, kids running by, etc. Great dog and while we were a good fit for her, our home was actually not. She’s now living with friends who have a large tract in the woods without those problems and doing much better (plus nobody is getting called by the sheriff to come catch her).
@steam15 Oh yeah that sounds like it wasn’t ideal. This isn’t ideal either - but not because of her, but because of the resident dog (who we naturally would not part with since we’ve had her for years).

Maybe it’ll feel better in the future once I know she’s ok in a new environment.

Thanks :)
@crissedechris My family will bring in puppies with no thought. Then they transition into their toddler phase and they don’t want them anymore. But my family doesn’t like taking dogs to the shelter so they end up in my house instead.

At one point, I had seven dogs in my house and I was losing my f-ing mind. Two of the dogs were twins, and small and cute, so I decided to rehome them. I miss them. I really, really do. But the family will send me pictures of them every holiday and it makes it burn a little less seeing them with fat bellies and happy grins.

It’s hard but it’ll be worth it when you have peace of mind as well as your babies.
@ulrichgood Yeah, 4 is a lot too!

I will say, I’ve mentioned to a lot of people that putting down my pets (that are older) has been way easier. Sure, it hurts and sucks, but it’s over and it’s the finality of it. I cared for that animal and now they’re gone. This has been agony in comparison.

It would probably feel different if the animal was young or I was going through a ton of treatment and management for care for a long time - that would also be awful.

But euthanizing older animals has been a much easier experience for me than this (rehoming a dog).
@ulrichgood Your family needs to be supplying you with 💵💰💲 for the lifetime care you took over. Thank goodness for people like you! But its really a huge responsibility. Vet bills aren't cheap. It's not like an average vet bill is $500. It's not improbable to see a $5,000 bill for one issue. If a dog has allergies, diagnostics plus initial treatment can be $1,500 -$2,000. That's the beginning. If one dog cracks a canine tooth It's $2,000 to fix. Ive had one done for another dog. One of my dogs got all four canine teeth crowned at $8k. Add it up for multiple dogs! They are not cheap to keep. You need dog "child" support.
@crissedechris I had to rehome my rescue during covid. He came to me with a lot of problems, and I was able to help him through a lot, but when the covid restrictions hit, it became impossible to continue our progress with socializing, and he started sliding backwards.

It sucked. It still sucks. I love him a lot...but I wasn't the right person for him, and I had to do what was best for him and not what I wanted, or what was best for my feelings.

He went to a rescue that specializes in dogs with aggression issues, and he eventually found a home with a great couple and their two dogs. He's on Instagram, so I still get to see how he's going, although sometimes it just makes me feel like shit.

Part of me will always feel like a failure for rehoming him, and maybe I am, but as I said, it's not about me, it's about what was best for him.
@krkrlm7 You aren’t a failure. You made a huge sacrifice letting go of him for his best interest.

Also, give yourself grace for having to go through all of that on top of the trauma of the pandemic. 💕
@krkrlm7 This is absolutely how I feel too - even if it is probably the “right” decision for my dog. I feel horrible about it. Especially since she just follows me around everywhere and loves being with me.
@crissedechris I was on the other side of this. A woman wanted to rehome her dog because she knew she wasn’t giving him the life he needed. Her life had changed dramatically since getting him and if she’d kept him, he’d have gone crazy.

She asked for pics and updates and then over time, she said she didn’t need them anymore. I think she just needed to make sure he was loved and being cared for, then she was able to let go. She thought she’d want visits but changed her mind because she didn’t want him to be confused. She really had his best interest at heart and that’s the best she could do for him - it was a very unselfish and hard thing to do.
@thewordiswisdom Yeah, I don’t think I’d want to visit if it confused or hurt the dog. But I think it might hurt me a lot more to see her. That’s why I wonder if her living in some nebulous distant place might be easier for me. I have probably had my best interest in heart more than the dog. But I feel that I have given her a great loving home, even if separated from the resident dog. I hope she finds a better life after me though. Just going to be tough as I wait for that to happen.

@crissedechris Honestly it was the best decision I made. Be kind to yourself - there are a lot of people who are fairly extreme in their views of rehoming but life isn’t perfect and it’s what’s best for the dogs that matters.
@lil_j Thanks :) having two dogs separated has been extremely taxing on us. The fact that our resident gives zero warning, makes it even more difficult. She walked up to our GSD and just bit down and wouldn’t let go. They also knocked over our two year old in the scuffle. A future fight could end up worse.

But yeah, maybe it’s just the fact that it’s not an immediate transfer makes it way harder, I have to look at her sad face and feel like I’m betraying her :(

Thanks again! Hoping for the same resolution as in your case!

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