Any positive experiences with reactive dogs off their meds?


New member
I posted here about six months ago because my 8 y/o dog began randomly having a lot of reactivity/mild aggression toward my partner though she’d known and loved him for over a year.

We’ve done a lot of reading, researching, training and things have become very manageable. Though she still gets very on edge when it comes to her food.

But to my point - our vet didn’t call in her refill for Prozac on time, so she was off her meds for about a week. This has happened in the past and it was a nightmare. So much more anxiety. So much more reactivity. However, this week, she’s been a completely different dog. It’s like things are back to normal with she and my partner. Wanting to play with him constantly. Snuggle him. Just always be around him. (Which is how it used to be. They were best buds). She just got her refill and I gave it to her today, but now I’m concerned that maybe her meds are the issue? She’s been on Prozac for about 4-5 years at this point and takes the highest dosage she can. I plan to talk to her vet, but was just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience!

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