Any hope my pup will ever like cuddles?


New member
My 11yr old frenchton is-to put it mildly-peculiar. Food, toys, treats, tv, everything; but this particular question is about cuddling
Basically snuggles must be on her terms.she’s never sat in a lap and if you try to pick her up she acts like her life is in danger (even when I’m trying to help her) y

Im her only owner, got her @ 9 wks from a nice older couple so she wasn’t traumatized or anything n she’s always been like this; she’s also insanely intelligent, highly food motivated and reactive to ppl and dogs-but this post is just about the snuggles

I assumed she’d mellow w/ age- n while there’s been slight improvement over the years, not much-back then if you went to hug her she’d wrench away immediately, now she waits til your guard is down n THEN bolts. That said she can be affectionate- loves to play, gives “kisses”, loves belly, chin, n butt rubs (not crazy bout head pets though) n sleeps under the covers on my body pillow right next to me (w/ no snout she gives me 2 taps w/ her paw telling me to open the blanket n let her under- like I said, super smart) but if I’m having a bad day or just want some hugs that’s too bad. I’ve even tried to use treats to get her closer but she grabs them n scoots back out of range (as someone on the spectrum we joke that she is too as she meets quite a few criteria-lol)

I love her to pieces n if things never change that’s fine, just wanted to see if y’all had any words of wisdom bc some days, you just need puppyluv, ya know?
@ryan432 If they are 11 and you have had since a puppy I would say no there is not any hope.

Good news would be that I don't think you did anything wrong or that anything could have changed it. She sounds like that is just her personality. I'm not familiar with what a frenchton is but I would guess the breed(s) are not cuddling breeds.