Am I being a bad roommate?


New member
So about ten months ago a friend moved to my town and in with me and my two dogs. I have a rottie (1.5 y/o trained since puppyhood, has routine- is VERY trained.) and a beagle (13 y/o blind, trained enough she listens- not well behaved enough to be at like dog parks and stuff she’s a grumpy old lady) my dogs stick to a routine and the rottie especially still gets daily training as upkeep- I’m very passionate about her being well behaved bc of her breed I don’t want anyone giving her or me slack. Well my roomie decides she wants a dog. Cool. She gets a one year old German shepherd puppy. I did not want a third dog but who am I to say what my adult roomie is allowed to have. I didn’t want the responsibility of another dog. Well my roomie knows nothing about dogs :)))) so at first I’m just passing knowledge and giving her resources that helped me train. She doesn’t really put effort into it and gives up quick cause it’s very frustrating for her. Okay I pick up the glove and leash train her dog for her and get her started on a good recall. Her dog could then be off leash during hikes, and didn’t pull on leash. Took a few months. I tell my roomie- hey man I work and go to school I can’t keep training her- I got you started but it’s now up to you because she will forget her training. My roomie and I had a long talk about it. Her dog also had a bad habit of trying to pester my beagle who’s blind. So my beagle would correct. That didn’t set well with me so I established boundaries for my beagles sake. They’re not allowed in the same room unless supervised by me. Since me training her dog my roomie has not done ANY training so now her dog has lost all training except her recall is still in semi- tact. (She’ll stop but she won’t return to the caller.) so now her dog is a danger to herself and other dogs if my roomie keeps leaving her off leash. Not to mention she’s now seeking out my beagle. I’ve had numerous talks with my roommate saying and establishing boundaries that “hey man if you can’t start training Leia she can’t stay here” I’ve given her a genuine timeline of two months each time and still no action. Well I told her today that I can no longer watch her dog or let her dog out or anything like that because she isn’t training her dog and I didn’t want a third dog or the responsibility for one. So the dog is completely her responsibility now and will be in my roommates room when my roomie isnt home and my roommate won’t be able to rely on me to let her out or anything of the sort. Her dog is not a bad dog just has no direction so acts out. I legit don’t know what else to do besides this. Am I being a bad roommate?
@hetherington as a person who doesn’t have roomates i can’t exactly help you in that manner but i can tell you are not being a bad roommate, if your roommate adopted a dog on their own free will it’s completely their responsibility, if they didn’t have time for a dog they should have gotten her in the first place. (and i’m sorry for being out of topic but could you maybe pass on those tips on how to train a dog, i have a 5 year old mutt who well, you don’t walk him he walks you so maybe on how to stop him from tugging the leash and potty training, maybe even how to teach him to go off leash since we simply open the door and he goes running off, again sorry for being off topic you just sound like if you know about these things)
@hetherington Nope. No no no if your roommate moved IN with YOU, thats yo house. She had no right to get another dog.

If she cant take care of her own dog then both of them gotta go. Or at least she needs to find someone else who will take the dog and actually put in the time and effort.

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