Alternatives to a slicker brush?

My dog is a mini poodle with extremely thick, extremely curly hair. The only thing that keeps him from getting matted is brushing him with a firm slicker every day. I have him cut to 3/8 in. every 6 weeks.

However, he acts like he’s dying. We’ve tried positive reinforcement, associating the brush with really good treats, and desensitization using a soft slicker.

He’s the kind of dog that needs pain meds after vaccines, we tried to use an e-collar for recall once, and the micro educator on the lowest setting was too much. A big dog barely stepped on him yesterday, and he yelped like he was grievously injured. Basically, he’s really sensitive and I think the slicker brush is hurting him.

Im about ready to shave him and buy him a sweater, but I feel like there has to be a better way.
@unhingedflareon1111 Poodle coats are best maintained by frequent bathing and blow drying.

Technique is also important. Just ripping through the coat is going to be painful to any dog, and you're going to damage the coat. If you don't line brush and don't know what that is, I'd recommend looking it up. Basically you back comb a line of fur up and out of the way with one hand and then brush the line of fur below it and work your way through the coat that way.

Either way, poodles are kind of a maintain their coat every day sorta breed. The people who get away with less brushing than that make up for it with things like weekly or biweekly bath and blow outs. It also depends on quality of dog. Well bred poodles have easier to maintain coats.

In my experience, poodles are a fairly sensitive breed and they do need gentle handling.

And to end, idk the logic to using a shock collar to teach recalling the dog. Why would a dog want to come to an owner who is inducing pain? Even if it does get them to listen, it's not because they want to. It's because they're scared of you and they'll stop listening once the threat is removed.
@thegiant He gets a bath with blow dry every 3 weeks. He gets cut to 3/8 in. every 6 weeks by a groomer. The groomer loves him because he’s never matted and enjoys baths.

I always line brush. I brush him every single night and it’s always a struggle.
@thegiant I’m a trainer: the idea with the e collar is that when you recall the dog, you press and hold the button on the e collar remote until the dog returns. Basically, the only way that the dog can stop the feeling of the e collar is to return to their owner, so that becomes the behaviour that they learn.

I’ve never used one before because I don’t use punishment in my training, but just thought I’d explain.
@lemonville I used to be a trainer and the only time I would EVER recommend an e-collar is with a deaf dog and only on vibrate. FAR too many people out there have "alpha" complex and get off on making their dog obey instead of wanting a good working relationship with their dogs. It's why they can't put in the work because it takes too long. >_
@deepak1 Tried that, unfortunately. I’ve ordered a new slicker brush with longer teeth that will hopefully feel less sharp, and detangling spray.

If that doesn’t work, I’m going to order a pet dryer so I don’t have to go to the pet store to give him a bath, and can do it every week instead of every three, and see if I can get away with using just the comb, which he does enjoy.
@unhingedflareon1111 They make different kinds like soft medium or hard bristles and ones with coating but I've found you still have to feel them in person to choose. Some of the ones with coating feel sharper to me especially if the coating comes off a couple bristles. I'd reccomend useing a spray, like the Hydra detangler spray to loosen things up and if you can, just use a force dryer and a comb. If your doing it dailey on a shortish coat I'd be surprised if you need the slicker for much. The dryer with the spray would do a majority of the work breaking up light tangles and the comb would just check your work.
@unhingedflareon1111 I find that I rarely ever use a slicker on my poodle, however I comb with a metal tooth comb almost daily, she thoroughly enjoys her brushing and I’m never pulling on the coat because I don’t allow any knots to form, could you try combing Everyday and just using the slicker just when needed on knots?, she’s also professionally bathed and blow dried about every 4-5 weeks, good quality shampoo+conditioner and completely fluff dried I know it’s bath time when the comb stops going through as easy, professional bath+blowdry, straightens and softens the coat, makes for 10x easier brushing in my experience
@unhingedflareon1111 Try a poodle comb or poodle rake. Some dogs prefer the long wide spread smooth tines the comb or rake as compared to the pulling and tearing of the slicker. The noise the slicker brush makes,I have found, some dogs are more sensitive to also as opposed to the smoother action of the poodle comb. My Maltipoo much prefers the long tooth poodle comb over a slicker, even the flexible slicker. Use in combination with a brushing or conditioning spray.