advice please :(


New member
i did so much research and prepared myself months in advance for how stressful it would be. and still. this is just wow

she’s a 12 week old toy poodle i just got her yesterday. she’s a delight to have and is trained to use a pee pad. she is already responding to her name quite well and does well with luring. those things are good. i got home with her about 8pm, played with her for a bit and my family did too, while giving some treats. she pooped and peed in this time (from 8-9:15) and i fed her last meal in the crate at 10:30. she did not poo or pee after that. i let her roam around a bit and more cuddles and play until 11:20 ish when i tried to get her to sleep. this is where the nightmare began

just crying and crying and crying when in the crate. this went on about 10-15 minutes so i brought my playpen in the room and put her bed and snuggle heartbeat toy right next to me where she could see me. crying and screaching non stop. unless i lay next to her and put my hand in. i’m panicking a bit cause she has not slept for several hours at this point. since he kept crying in the pen i closed off an area of my room right next to my bed so she could still see me while i was on my bed. no bueno. crying unless i was giving her direct attention. i spoke to the breeder and she told me to put her in crate on my bed for the first couple of nights. i didn’t want to do this but desperately i tried. still crying when next to me on the bed. so, i put her back down, put her pee pad in the crate and snuggle toy and covered it with blanket. MIRACULOUSLY at this point she went quiet. for 20 minutes. then cried for another 30 minutes. then at about 12:30 she went totally quiet. at 4:45 i woke up cause i thought i smelled poo. opened crate to take to potty and nothing. was just a fart. big mistake. tried to cover back up and she cried and cried and cried. so brought her out to play and tiny training session, then trying to put her back in at about 6. another nightmare. not having the crate at all and crying for 40 minutes straight. when she calms for a second i try to start doing little crate training to create positive association, and she goes in willingly and i give her treat. after about 10 times of her going in and rewarding, i close back at 7 to try and enforce a nap because im really worried she has not been sleeping (and i haven’t either). she cried for 15 minutes then stopped. she’s been quiet almost 30 minutes to an hour now. i’m strung out and exhausted and also on my period

i prepared so much for this. watched so many videos and bought so many things. wasn’t an impulsive decision by any means i’ve wanted a puppy for so many years and specifically waited till i was in a more stable environment to get one. it’s just the first night and im already like wow. can i actually do this. it doesn’t help that her breeder treated her like a human baby and she got attention 24/7. now she’s extremely anxious whenever she isn’t getting it it seems. i took the week off work but seems i’ll need more time if this is how it’ll be. i dont even know if i have a good schedule. i really need to speak with a trainer just to get some advice but for some reason its hard to find a trainer online i can just speak to without paying 1000$ for one on one sessions. i’m exhausted and really stressed. i really want this but also just want her to settle in and feel safe and actually f**king sleep. idk what im doing. anything any advice any consolation would help. i think she’s sleeping now which is good. it’s been about 30 minutes of quiet and my plan is to wake her in 1.5 hours more to potty then play and train with treats for 1-1,5 hours then try and enforce nap again. does that make sense?


(i want to start taking her outside but her breeder said to wait until 10 days after second round of shots since i live in an area where there’s sometimes coyotes or other animals. but my house is completely fenced off and i haven’t ever seen animals go inside so im considering taking her out for potty and short walks in the yard regardless. as i figure the risk within my yard is low. what do you think?)
@blapakona77 I mean look, it wasn’t even the first night, it was within the first 6 hours and she’s expected to just sit in a box away from you, or anyone she’s ever known, her siblings, her usual smells etc. and sleep. C’mon I have no doubt through your research you knew that that wouldn’t happen. Of course running on little sleep yourself the stress and emotions are running wild, but you’ve got to think of the situation for what it is. Yes she’s your puppy now but mere hours ago she wasn’t and she’s not use to this world you’ve created yet. Keep following your routine and give it time.
Keep following your routine and give it time.

yep, She will adapt pretty quickly. She already knows your smell and likes you so wear an old sweat shirt the next few days and leave it in her crate. She'll probably get some sense of security from that. Old sweatshirts cause she will probably also inadvertantly shit and piss on them.
@inspiredwalk i needed this. thank you. honestly don’t know what i was expecting. and i realized this morning i was expecting way too much. she settled into her crate tonight without any whining at all and went right to sleep which i suppose is a good sign
@blapakona77 It's much easier to have patience when we look at our pups as actually human babies - just helps us relate better but it truly is just repetition and patience.

The more mental / physical stimulation and training she has the more tired she'll be and less likely for her to stay up crying when she's just so tired from playing so just keep her moving and prevent her from napping too much during the day if you can!
@blapakona77 She’s a baby in a strange new place, and probably alone for the first time ever. She doesn’t understand where she is, or why, or anything else. It just takes time for them to settle in. Even adult dogs tend to do this when they go to a new home (or even if the family moves to a new place). Pick a routine, stick to it, and do not let her out of the crate if she’s throwing a fit. Wait for even a split second of quiet to open the door.

Have fun. Deep breath. It’s a BABY, it’s tough but they grow fast!
just got her yesterday

Yeah the only expectation you can have for that dog right now is that they'll make sure you get zero sleep for several weeks lol.

Stay 100% consistent in your training, don't let the dog train you. Remember never to tell the dog not to do one thing without telling them to do something else.
@blapakona77 If she's **on a leash** outside in your yard, she's fine. She is not fine if you let her off leash and go back in the house. Stay with her, keep her on a leash, no matter what, no exceptions, and she's fine.

Don't feed her so late. She probably needs to eat three times a day:

wake up, take her outside on a leash, If she pees/poops, good dog, go back in feed her.

Take her back out, on a leash, see if she pees or poops.

Play with her, and then crate her for a bit, covered if need be.

Wake her up, take her out, play with her.

At about noon, feed her. Take her out, etc.

Play with her, and crate her.

At about 430 or 5, feed her. Same deal, outside on a leash, praise if she pees/poops

I'd have a crate nxt to your bed for her to sleep in. And I'd feed all three meals each day in a crate, moving it to the kitchen if you have to.

FWIW my puppies come home at 8 weeks and we go to puppy class, ASAP. That's usually about $150-$200 for 8 weeks of once a week classes, in a safe, only-puppy environment at a dog training facility or dog club, not a big box store.
@blapakona77 I train my dogs in competition obedience, I know lots of people that have dogs, plan for puppies for years and have tons of experience.

All of them at some point are saying “why did I get a puppy, he’s such a jerk, and I forgot how painful this part is.”

Stay the course, don’t let the puppy train you.
@curry0 thank you boss 🫡

already seeming a bit better right now. she’s napping which is great. i definitely do need to sleep tho. is losing your appetite another side effect of having a puppy? LOL
@blapakona77 Yeah puppies cry at lot at night initially. It's a new environment with new people and they've never been away from their mum/litter mates before. Just stick with a routine, cover the crate when they're supposed to be sleeping and wait it out. They'll probably need a pee break at least once during the night but make it as boring as possible (no playing or cuddles) and put them straight back in when they've done their business. They'll get used to it soon.

I've always had dogs and am about to get a puppy but it'll be my partner's first dog. I've recommended that he doesn't stay here the first few nights because I'm not sure he's prepared for how little sleep we'll be getting.

You're getting downvoted because puppies crying on their first night in a new home is pretty basic knowledge and people are probably concerned that you haven't done as much research as you claim to have done.

Fenced yards where no other animals can enter are fine before they're fully vaccinated.
@blapakona77 Screw the down votes … you’re stressed out and that is soooo normal. Take a deep breath, regain your patience, enjoy your puppy during the good times and practice breathing exercises during the bad. It will get better.

Did I mention patience … number one thing to have with a puppy.

For what it is worth … I let my two sleep in bed with us and have zero regrets about it. Crate trained during the day (after they were 4 months) when we run errands (way easier to be patient with the crying when you can’t hear it). Start with short errands and extend as they get better at it
@blapakona77 Because you haven't even had the puppy for 24 hours and you sound like you where completely clueless to how a puppy works and have scewed expectations and no patience.

Also, you are diminishing the breeder's knowledge saying that the breeder treated the puppy wrong and is to blame for her behaviour. You should instead listen to the breeder who has a lot more experience than you.

It will be a couple of tough months but puppies grow very fast and are worth all the pain and inconvenience.
@anxioussleeper okay thanks. think i just needed the reassurance. i did as much research as i could for weeks and tried to mentally prepare it’s just harder in reality and not sure if im doing everything right
@blapakona77 Thing won't do everything right. Even the most studied, prepared owners can fall into pitfalls or forget to reinforce X behavior, and end up needing work or training on things down the road. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to have hard days. So don't worry so much about whether you're doing everything right. Right now - in the first 3 days - focus on the basics: food, shelter, security, routine.

The crying at night is 100% completely normal. Just don't bend over backwards to accommodate it, or the crying will become a means to get you to do what your dog wants. And you really, really don't want that.