Advice needed: confronting groomer about damp dog

@karosti As a dog groomer myself, there is absolutely no excuse for a dog to go home wet. If your dog doesn't like the dryer then the groomer can go extra steps like adding cotton balls in their ears and a happy hoodie and taking the nozzle off and going slow. And at the very last resort a kennel dryer. Was this a different groomer than the first time? If so, next time you book (if you choose to return) you can always request the groomer you had a good experience with. Don't ever feel bad about wanting the job done right, you pay good money for your dog to be clean and cute.
@meg008 I believe this was a different groomer compared to the last one. I'm not sure where the last groomer went, they hired quite a few more people since I went last. It was over a year ago since I went there but it's the same owners. I just can't recall the names.

I actually bought a force dryer and have been working with my dog for a year since the last groomer said the dog was a bit spooked. We worked up to about 25 minutes without anything and she will start doing the most pathetic barks every few minutes. 3-4 times per week with the force dryer etc. I really took the suggestion seriously and I was excited to take my dog for another appointment. It probably sounds a bit foolish but we were just so excited to show off our training.

I just don't know how I can confront the salon. Do I just straight up ask fo the manager/owner?
@karosti It kind of depends on the style of the salon. If the
Salon you go to is smaller than the groomers may handle all their own clients rather than client relations being handled by the owner.

If you think your previous groomer is still there, I would call and talk to them.
Tell them about what happened the last time you had your pet in and ask when their next availability is.

I wouldn’t trust the last groomer that worked on your dog to “redo” the groom correctly.

If your old groomer isn’t there then I would ask for the manager to right the situation.
@cicion I see, I'll give them a call tomorrow and ask about that! I found the name of the previous groomer by combing through reviews.

I definitely don't want the same groomer since it clearly shows that they aren't really trustworthy, especially for something as 'simple' as a bath and brush.
@karosti It sounds like they rushed the job or ran out of time, I hate confrontation myself so would probably just ask for the other groomer next time you book in or maybe ring up and say can I speak to “ insert name” if you know the other groomers name and ask if you can book in with her as she did such a good job, also would be a good way to see if she still works there, if they say no she doesn’t try and find out where’s she’s gone and go there lol
@dbellpreach I was surprised they didn’t finish the groom. My dog was the last in the shop. The shop doesn’t close until 2 hours after I picked up my dog. I found the owner and they’re super kind. He said he would personally do a full groom for our next service (covered by the salon).
@karosti I just wanna say, idk any groomers that "mistreat" someone's dog because we get called out on doing subpar work. If anything its gonna make me make sure you ALWAYS get the best work going forward. Imho anyone that takes pride in their work is going to offer you a discounted next groom (i personally wouldnt give you a full refund because work was done and you didnt bring it up sooner) if you explain plainly what happened and that you had to finish the groom yourself. If you're not with a groomer you vibe with or feel you can trust, whether ot not you're right, find one you do and stick with them. It's like any personal service, you gotta vibe with that person well just so you can easily talk about these things
@johnredeemed103 The owner is comping my next groom. They were really surprised my dog was sent home damp. They were super kind about it and said they will groom my dog personally at our next appointment.
@karosti If you’re afraid they’ll mistreat your dog after you’ve shared your honesty…rethink if you want to go back. You sound like a responsible pet owner that any groomer would be happy to work with.
@karosti I’d definitely go back and at least have a talk with them about how you aren’t happy with the groom that you paid for. You’ve tipped and paid, you should be getting what you’re paying for and if you’re not happy you have the right to complain or bring it up to them.

It sounds like a very rushed job to me. To not even make sure that the coat is thoroughly brushed and detangled is something else - they haven’t done their job at all and they’re risking issues by leaving the coat tangled like that. You’ve paid for a Groom that you’ve basically had to finish yourself 😕
@kotizer Yeah they said I could come in 30 minutes early. The groomer had about 3.5 hours to do the groom, they had me pick up after 60 minutes at latest. Like my dog is a GSD mix, doesn’t have long hair. It was shocking to see my comb just hang off of the dog. They had the audacity to say my dog wasn’t shedding and it had very thin coat.
@karosti That’s ridiculous. It would take me an hour just to wash & thoroughly dry, nevermind the prebrushing, combing and deshedding. Even more so considering it’s a larger breed being a GSD mix. Definitely rushed, proven by the fact that she came home damp and tangled with unbrushed coat.

So happy to hear that the owner has apologised and wanting to make it right. I think this is mainly down to the fact your dog was taken on by a different groomer and by one that isn’t very experienced
@kotizer I hope it was due to inexperience vs intentional laziness. A lot changed in the salon and they have quite a few more groomers. If things go well with the owner, I’ll continue to book with him since he’s actively grooming!
@karosti Some places do send double coated dogs home vaguely damn, especially ones that don't tolerate the blower, but it sounds like he was also matted, which is to me a bigger issue. I'd consider changing groomers for that part.
@adrian64 Yes I called and they’re comping my next groom and the owner will groom my dog. My dog basically has normal GSD fur. It’s a problem when I can’t get my comb through you know what I mean?
@karosti Yes. That is not what you are supposed to see when they have just been to the grooming shop. Glad they made it right, since they did drop the ball.