Advice for poorly trained gsd


New member
Hi, I am dog sitting my parents poorly trained gsd. He can listen when he wants to, but gets very anxious. My dad does not discipline him well and as a result he can do things like rip up papers in exchange for treats, and even bite (he’s bitten my dad a few times) when he’s trying to send a msg.

My dad walks the dog once a day at night, but before he left he said it wasn’t safe for me to walk the dog bc he’s too strong (120 lbs) and could drag me and I could get hurt.

Instead, I’ve resorted to playing w the dog for 10-15 min increments throughout the day and giving him lots of treats to listen.

Today his temperament was worse than usual as he was anxious from construction workers next door. I came too close to him and tried to pass him (pushing his butt lightly) to get out of a tight space while he was eating. big mistake - he growled and bit me on the arm, flesh wound. I was startled yelled and left him in that room for a while. He was calm and I let him out.

He’s taken to sleeping outside my bedroom door instead of his usual spot when my parents are home. We had incidents twice at bedtime the last two nights where he’s sat outside, blocking the door, and not moved even in exchange for a treat. He didn’t move for 1.5 hrs last night until I found a toy to distract him from inside my room. He also didn’t move tonight and I was scared he’d bite me. I tried to bribe him w treats I stashed but no luck. After about 30 mins I finally was able to get him to move so I could use the bathroom next to him. But then getting out of bathroom was the same drama , he also wouldn’t move n I was scared to step over him. He did growl / make a sound when I first tried to walk over him. Eventually I was able to pass him after he moved a few inches but he made a little growling noise and I yelped before going into my room.

I know proper training is the answer and I’m trying to convince my parents to do something, but my concern is getting thru the next two weeks unscathed. Any advice?
@standtro For your safety of not having more incidents put him in a crate and let him out twice or thrice a day for his business and for feeding. Also he needs more physical and mental stimulation for being calm . Kong will help, if walking is not possible play like you're doing now.
@standtro I agree with the previous comments ---you really do have to contain him to a room for intervals of time--especially overnight. Kitchen? Your parents bedroom?, and if there are baby gates available use those to block him rather than shutting a door and blocking his view...I have found that for some reason these dogs that could easily power thru a baby gate---don't. They respect the obstacle usually. This pinning you into a room is dangerous for you.

If he is not crate trained don't start now. He will make a wrong association towards you maybe.....

Buy the baby gate if you have to.... You need a barrier in place.

The more you tire him out with your playtime the better....

Good Luck!