Advice for how to get over anxiety about getting first dog


New member
I am looking to adopt a dog and train it as a psychiatric service animal. I have a trainer and training program on board for when I do adopt the dog, the letter from my psychiatrist, and anything else I need for the dog. The only issue: I have anxiety when I'm with the dog and have to make the decision then and there (I've been looking mostly at humane societies around).

I've been told by family and friends that it's good that I'm nervous about this since it's a 15 year commitment and that I'm making sure it's the right dog for me and my case. But I'm afraid that it's not just that, but a couple other things:

1: I'm a first time dog owner and even though I know how to take care of dogs and have taken care of multiple dogs like they were my dogs, I'm still afraid of owning a dog in general.

2: Everyone says it's a great idea for me to get a dog, except for my mom. I live on my own and it isn't a situation of her needing to approve of me getting a dog and I'm not an approval-seeking person, but it feels weird doing something that she doesn't think I should do. I don't completely understand her reasoning because the dog is gonna help me more than I help and care for the dog, but it is the first life change where she is saying not yet and it feels weird.

Any advice for getting over the first bits of anxiety with the adoption process/first few days and weeks with a dog?
@anvuong0311 I’d say that having dogs is similar to having kids: it’s even hard when people REALLY want them.

Personally, I’d say if you’re that nervous about this, it may not be the right time for you.

Can you try fostering for a bit?
@anvuong0311 You do not have to be a perfect dog owner, just do your best and commit to keeping it it's entire life. Getting it professionally trained is already more than most people do. If you are getting a rescue dog I promise what you provide will be better then the kennel they are in. Also since you already care enough to feel anxious you definitely care enough to give it a good life.

I have a dog and live on my own and that does cause some anxiety if I have to be gone for more than a regular work day. But I just keep her updated on shots and our local kennel has all her info and I've been able to book her last second a few times if I needed to be gone for the night. But since your dog is going to be a service dog you'll be able to take them with you the majority of the time and I imagine that would make things easier
@anvuong0311 Honestly it’s been a LOT harder then I expected, (I didn’t seek out owning a pup it fell into my lap). I have very high anxiety and every day I’m spiraling abt if something else is wrong cuz she’s old and is always sick. If it’s not one thing it’s another. I’ve spent over 5k on her in like 2 months and had to make a go fund me just to try and keep up. I don’t have any support so I can’t travel at all now that I have her and I’m worried abt going back to work for long shifts.. the dogs not use to being alone.. when she needed surgery my every moment was watching her I got like no sleep it’s been really rough. These are things I didn’t anticipate take what you will from my experience.
@anvuong0311 I would assume part of the anxiety is because your dog needs to be capable of being a service dog. That’s very understandable and I would talk to your lined up trainer about helping you pick a dog, they should have a lot more experience and be able to see characteristics you might over look.

As far as your mother is concerned I think if you don’t fully understand why she’s against the dog she probably doesn’t fully understand why you might need a service dog.

If you’re still nervous about general care and training you could ask a friend with dog experience to help you keep up on it in between your sessions with the trainer.
@anvuong0311 It's good that you are nervous. When you meet your perfect dog you will get a feeling and just know it. It will click like love at first sight. For some reason every dog shunned me or didn't feel right until I met The One.

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