Advice for concerned owner. Vet doesn’t know what this is! Looking for advice


New member
@ray_abundo Hi thank you for commenting! We woke up this morning and the abscess swelling had actually bursted and she was dripping with blood. We took her to the ER and it turns out there was a foxtail deep in the tissue. All of the tests cleared and it was removed. She is home now on antibiotics and anti inflammatory pills (thought I’d respond to everyone so that they can be informed of this ever occurs).
@j010203t Do you have ticks where you live? Have seen similar reactions, also with fever, in horses from ticks. The blood tests would still come back clear as it's not necessarily biliary but rather a reaction to the actual bite.
@aaman Hi thank you for commenting! We woke up this morning and the abscess swelling had actually bursted and she was dripping with blood. We took her to the ER and it turns out there was a foxtail deep in the tissue. All of the tests cleared and it was removed. She is home now on antibiotics and anti inflammatory pills (thought I’d respond to everyone so that they can be informed of this ever occurs).
@j010203t Thank you for keeping us updated. I can't believe how much redness it caused, I've never seen a foxtail abscess get that big.
I'm very glad you got answers and it sounds like your girl will be ok.