Adult ACD Schedule


New member
Hey everyone!

I wanted to ask how your average day looks like with your ACD?

Our ACD is a little over a year old, and has tons of energy. I was curious on average how much your ACD sleeps during the day and in the evening?

Our general schedule is like this.

Wake up 6:30 - 7a.m.

Let our girl play until about 8:30 9a.m.

Kennel until lunch time, usually around noon.

Out for another hour.

Back in the crate from 1 - 4 p.m. (sleeps the whole time)

And then she's ready to go all evening until about 8pm We settle her down and put her in the crate until the next morning. (Potty break before bed)

I really just wanted to know if this is normal? Our ACD seemingly will be exhausted, but will NOT let herself fall asleep... (will not sleep outside the kennel)

If we did not crate her, she will stay up all day. She will stay up for 12 - 18 hours straight if we let her. Hence, we still enforce her nap time.

it seems she's always on edge and has recently developed a little aggression / very wary of strangers. Which we plan to take her out and build her confidence a little more by taking her to stores/parks/ect. and get her around people.

I was curious if it could be a lack of sleep / exhaustion causing her behaivor. But I don't think it's that abnormal for an ACD schedule.

Picture of our little qt 3.14, Zara:

@rivendoah What type of housing do you have? If there's a lot going on outside our Heeler has trouble going into his relaxed state. He was only in his kennel at night during the house breaking phase. He's almost 2 now and sleeps wherever he chooses. If there's a way you can go on walks early in the morning after breakfast and then in the afternoon. I worked on leash training and site words during that time. They're the types of dogs who love tasks a working class dog. We have cattle and donkeys that he goes with during feeds and fence work. Mine also loves learning. We're working on hand signals ATM.

If this is a new change in behavior I'd recommend in a vet check just to make sure there's not something hurting that's causing the behavior. She's adorable!! We have a red with a tiny bit of cream on his face.
@imagebeastmarkbeast Neighborhood housing. About a half acre yard, pretty quiet honestly. When they are asleep, they sleep like babies. Haha

If we don't kennel her, she will keep us up until 12a.m. we didn't kennel for the longest time, and went back to it because she wouldn't settle without it.

We try to give them a walk at night time before bed. But we could try a morning walk!

And thank you! Yours sounds adorable too :)
And I think she's fine physically, I've touched her all over with no sign of injury. It doesn't appear to be anything like that.

She's just always been on edge... ever since a pup really. We may consider a medication of sorts for the anxiety. (She has some SA which we've been working through, it was severe... I think a lot of her behaivor Stems from resource guarding us)
@rivendoah At the end of the day, you do your best for your dog and for your life. It sounds like you both have a system that works for you and your family, and you’re providing a safe, loving, and caring life-long environment for your ACD. That’s the best thing you can do….it doesn’t matter how you do it as long as you are doing it with love, respect, compassion, and care for your dog.
@rivendoah Most people say the first 2 years are hell with ACD/Heelers. Our first year with Scout was a nightmare at times. He still has a massive barking issue that will probably never go away. Thank God we have 50 acres. I've only been around a male. I've heard from different older folks in KY where I live not to mess with females because they are very mean and territory. Which I don't believe at all. ACD are a beautiful breed, very intelligent and extremely loving. Just try to pull as much energy as you can from her during the day. If Scout is awake somebody is throwing a ball for him. He's destroyed the finish off the hardwood floors.

If her kennel isn't housed in the room you sleep in whoever she is most bonded with have them throw in the shirt they were wearing that day for her to sleep with. It helped with Scout and made a strong bond with his owner. Which is my BIL.

That's Scout..
@imagebeastmarkbeast Beautiful dog!

And yeah... that first year was BRUTAL hahaha

Mainly on us, for not enforcing the crate enough. She was a mad lad as a pup!

We will have to try that t-shirt trick again. We tried it as a pup, but it didn't seem to help, but she's much better now, it may have better results!
@rivendoah Aww thanks! They'd make beautiful puppies! 😂 When I moved off our family farm where he lives I offered them $1000 to buy him and they refused. Now I have to drive like 45 miles to Amish country to spend time with him. He always pees across one of my feet?? You sound like a good doggo parent! I have a Tree walker Coonhound who hates my guts. I'm like you with worrying if I'm doing/did this correct.
@rivendoah Our boy is 52-pounds and just turned 1-years-old this month, August.
  • Out of crate between 6:30-7:00am (potty then breakfast)
  • 20-minute on-leash walk to stretch the legs then short rest
  • 1.5-hour walk on-leash in neighborhood or off-leash on trail
  • Nap in crate 10:00am-12:30pm (potty then lunch)
  • Backyard tug/sorta fetch then 30-minute on-leash walk
  • Nap in crate 3:00-5:00pm (potty then dinner)
  • 20-minute on-leash walk then play with toys in house
  • Nap in crate 7:00pm-9:00pm (last potty then in crate till next morning)
He seems to like the routine and the crate. Not sure when or if we'll ever let him sleep outside of his crate, especially at night.
@rivendoah We have an almost 1 yr old female ACD and she also struggles with anxiety while out on walks. She actually loves people, but if she hears a dog barking or whining near where were walking she will start to whine and get very anxious. I also tried some natural calming supplements, and wasn’t sure if they worked. I’m working mostly on rewarding her for looking and focusing on me during those moments she feels anxious instead of the outward stimuli....we’re getting there, but yes, she’s way more anxious than our other dog!
@21eagles Yeah, our ACD is a nervous Nelly some times.

Not sure what causes it, besides genetics. We're going to be taking her places to build her confidence back up :)
@cfhclinda She definitely gets cranky when sleep deprived!

We got a second recently, and she got very snippy after all day of play... we thought they may put themselves to sleep but we were mistaken! Haha
@rivendoah We have a 3 year old ACD mix. Generally speaking we walk 2 to 3 times per day for at least 30 mins, evening walk is almost always 45 mins. In between she basically sleeps. From 8-noon every day she's pretty much dead asleep, just moves around our house. Same thing from about 1 until 5 if we go out for a walk at lunch. If not she chills at home from 8 until 3:30 then we go for a short walk. After our evening walk, she either lounges outside in the grass or inside with us, weather dependent. She spends most evenings (8-10 pm) chewing on toys and just hanging out. Last potty break around 10 then asleep overnight until 6 am weekdays/8 am weekends.

She is sedentary the majority of the day. She is a normal, healthy weight. She will get cranky/mouthy if she does not sleep during the day (ie if we're out doing stuff all day).
@proudmommy17557 Hahahaha im not sure that would even make her settle on her own!

She gets about 4 hours of vigorous exercise a day, if not more.... fetch, and playing with our second.

We also sometimes manage a last minute evening walk before night time.

She will come home from a full day of daycare, willing to play unless we crate her!

But I don't want her crated all the time!