Adopting a puppy soon - need advice on puppy's temperament (video below)

@mommyailish Honestly, it’s impossible to say. They’re not showing any extreme temperament symptoms - your guess is as good as ours. It takes weeks if not months of being around your puppy to start to understand their personality/temperament. Anyone trying to determine that from you 15 second video is full of it.

Your best shot is to read about its specific breed to get a “good idea” of what they will be like. Other than that, it’s a shot in the dark.

Cute pup btw!!
@mommyailish What breeds do you know? That will give you a much better idea than a short video. He looks like a good confident pup to accept being touched by a human without any cowering or anything in that short video, and reasonably confident to wonder off to explore by himself