acd puppy in an apartment?

@augustus_33ad I did exactly that. The first few years of my ACDs life were in apartments. The trick is mental stimulation inside and physical outside at a dog park or hiking trails whenever you get a chance. Mine was always a barker though and I never figured that out. The only advice I have on that is making a little “care package” for your neighbors. We put some earplugs in a little baggie with a note explains that we were bringing home a puppy and there was likely gonna be some barking as we began to train her. We left our phone number at the bottom in case you he noise was too much they could text us instead of complaining to the apartment management
@augustus_33ad As an Australian, we consider this uncool, ACDs need space. I would seriously consider a smaller more appropriate breed. There is no way I would take my dogs to an apartment for a holiday, let alone to live.
@augustus_33ad We did it and it was fine. Just as long as you know you might need to take her out for multiple walks to burn energy. Also just look into mental stimulation toys. That was a huge help for us.

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