8 m/o puppy doesn’t want to work in puppy class


New member
I’ve had issues with puppy classes in the past. First class was horrible and used punishment. Second trainer talked about alpha theory and dominance. At 6 months, we finally found a GREAT place and I’m extremely happy with the trainer and the way the place in run. At first, we had some issues with puppy being scared of the car and didn’t want to drive there, but we have a solution for this now.

For a few weeks, things were going great. Puppy gets some playtime with the other dogs (even though she’s quite shy around them compared to the dogs in my village) and she made great progress in training, especially when it comes to excitement barking at other dogs and listening around distractions. Her stay around distractions has also improved so much.

During the last two lessons, however, she wasn’t willing to work with me at all. At home she is super willing to learn tricks and we are slooooooowly getting better at doing the same thing in the garden with distractions around. On walks, however, she’s still too taken in by the environment. I don’t think this is the issue when we’re in class. She doesn’t show signs of wanting to interact with the other dogs outside their structured play time. She doesn’t want to run around and sniff. She wants to pull me towards the gate and leave.

Last week we were supposed to put the pups in a stay, walk away and recall them with the other dogs lined up left and right. A few weeks back she did brilliantly at this exact thing, but last week she absolutely refused to move. She just sat there and wouldn’t even budge when the trainer took up the leash and tried to guide her. Eventually she got up and didn’t come towards me but headed towards the door instead.

I have no idea what changed for her or whether this is just another teenage Samoyed thing. The trainer is going on holiday now, so we won’t be back there for the next 3 weeks and im wondering if there’s something I can do in the meantime to make her want to work with me again while we’re at class. Even during the first few lessons when she was incredibly distracted by all the new things, she worked with me better than the last 2 times.

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