8 m.o. is acting up after move to new city


New member
I just moved to a new apartment in a new town 2 weeks ago. I have an 8 m.o. pup and she seems to be really struggling with the move. She has been barking when I'm away (I can see her on my security camera). Last weekend, a neighbor complained to my landlord about her barking. This is very unlike her and I understand this is a major change for her and I am being patient as patient as I can be. But, the fact that my neighbor complained is a major problem that could lead to an eviction.

I feel horribly guilty having to leave her for work. But frankly, looking into the future, my hours are only going to get crazier. And to add to that, my boss today kind of threw shade at me for leaving my dog a home during the day.

It breaks my heart to think about returning her to the breeder. My mom has offered to take her temporarily, which is incredibly generous and kind of her. But I feel guilty about imposing on her too.

Other than venting, I am looking for some advice from those who have dealt with their pups going through major changes or a fear period around 8-months. How did you handle the barking when you were away? How did you make your pup feel more comfortable in her new environment?

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