6 y/o started peeing in house after years of being potty trained


New member
We recently moved into another home and our 6 year old dog has been peeing and pooping inside the house. Nothing in our routine has changed aside from a new home. He was very well trained for years. It hasn’t been the first time we have moved so I’m not sure what’s wrong. Any tips on how to get home to stop him from doing this?
@nytro44 Dogs are situational learners. Just because he knew to potty outside at your old house doesn't mean he'll know to do that at every house. Start potty training from scratch again, like you did when he was a puppy. He'll pick it up faster this time around.
@nytro44 It's possible the previous owner had a pet that soiled the carpet and your dog smells it. You could put a dog bell on the door and train him to give a ring when he needs to go.
@nytro44 I'll bet there's a scent of animal pee/poop in the house, previous owner/resident.

I would get an enzyme cleaner and shampoo all the carpets and clean the floors with it.
@nytro44 I would try it anyway. If nothing else, to absolutely get the scent out so he doesn't go back to it.

I would also (next time you have to clean up pee) use a paper towel that has his pee on it and rub it on the grass where you want him to pee so the scent is there.

Maybe your house is still a blank slate as far as smells are concerned?

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