6 month puppy and irritating whining

@hrse2wtr Hire someone else. If you work with a trainer for more than 2-3 sessions and don’t see progress you have the wrong person.

I wonder if you’re looking for permission to correct your dog for whining? Like I won’t think less of you for it but whining really isn’t one of those behaviors I look to correct bc whining is usually an emotional behavior and corrections don’t help those
@tke129 I see tons of videos on like about correcting attention whining and that’s exactly what this is so I was hoping to get some help getting him to realize that’s the entirely wrong way to get my attention

It’s fine if he whines if he needs food or water or an actual need and feeling sick but crying wolf all the time means I can’t tell when he actually needs something and I want to stop the crying wolf behavior or when he actually needs help I won’t know and I’ll assume it’s demand attention whining and I really need him to communicate normally in different ways so I don’t miss when he’s in trouble. Cause right now he’s not doing it cause he needs something he’s doing it cause he’s not getting exactly what he wants that moment,Ike a toddler throwing a temper tantrum

The trainers here are all or nothing except this one person with her I can get 2-3 sessions all the others it’s $2000 and weeks training and you can’t test it out to see if it works

Oh and they all use e collars except her and I was trying to avoid that
@hrse2wtr It's not something you try and just stop, though. Impulse control training happens throughout the day. Wait before released from crate, wait before eating, wait before going out the doors, wait before getting unleashed, etc.

He's 6 months old. He's full of hormones and it's a hard time for him.
@alexm961 So what do you recommend if he’s whining at my food and trying to get at strangers and at my so. He already doesn’t get let out until he stops whining and gets nothing when he’s whining. Supposedly the hormones should get calmer since he’s neutered now no?
@hrse2wtr ... Not really. One it takes months for hormones to settle in their system. Two, he's still a teenager.

You reinforce what he needs to do. Give him a chew in his crate, for example. Every time we get dinner my girl waits at her bed for her Greenies.

It takes time. It will take months to see good progress. Training isn't an overnight thing.
@alexm961 So you have your dog go into the crate when you eat at first with a chew so she can see you eating and know she gets her chew? I’ll try that usually I would just eat during his mandated naps but it also meant I could only use the bathroom during those too cause he whines if I leave to go
@jamesapado Yeah it’s weird if I give him a lick mat he will pay attention to that and not whine when I leave the room. If I give him a bully stick he doesn’t care enough for the same.. I worked on it some today and I got him to sit there a minute without whining. If he’s in place or on his bed he also doesn’t whine if I leave. It’s only if he’s just randomly with me in the living room if I leave, it’s like the lick mat or place is reassurance I’ll be back? But he doesn’t whine in the crate when I leave the apartment entirely. He did at first but realized I wasn’t there. I have AirPods but the noise cancelling isn’t enough to drown him out.

When I’m at work he’s always trying to shove a toy at me to play but I can’t play during work. So I’m also working on teaching him when it’s acceptable to play.

When my so comes over he whines to try to get to them. And i tell them to ignore him but it usually ends up the same. They stand there while the puppy whines and tries to kangaroo hop to her, I’m telling him to sit or down and he’s whining and getting back up over and over and the second he’s down a second my so calls him over and he’s jumping on them.
@hrse2wtr Have you ruled out any pain issues by a vet?
This is very important! Behavioral issues can be caused by pain.
Especially when it's this consistent, and training doesn't seem to work at all.
@dspeters5 He’s been seen by the vet multiple times. The vet says he’s healthy even though I think it’s weird cause he pants all the time, even when he’s resting he’s panting. My apartment is 70 degrees so I don’t think it’s that hot but it may be for him.
@hrse2wtr Has he seen another vet?
Continuous panting can be a sign of stress which can be caused by pain, so I would strongly suggest to see another vet. If the cause of the pain cannot be found, it might be an idea to give a mild painkiller for 1-2 weeks and see if his behavior changes.
@dspeters5 That’s the weird part ever since he was given to me he’s panted like this so since 11 weeks and the vets seen him multiple times and been checked and he’s even been ok mild painkillers and nothing changed

We did discover the incessant whining is due to fomo and lack of impulse control. It’s demand barking except he chooses to whine. If we do the “teach to be bored” training he will whine the entire time because he just doesn’t want to stay still in a lay down. And he gets amped up by just going into the kitchen area we don’t even have to leave the apartment he tries to take off in a dead run the second the baby gate opens cause he wants to be in everything
@tashiya Then this may be a behaviour which can't be fixed by training. The only thing you can do is managing: the dog and yourself. You seem to manage the dog already (baby gates, boundaries), so find solutions to cope with this behaviour for yourself. Noise cancelling headphones might help.
@dspeters5 So there may not be a way to stop him from always whining when he can’t get his way? He screams and whines when he can’t get to strangers on the road and doesn’t listen to down or sit or anything the second he gets excited it’s whine whine whine whine. Even on the place board he just whines the entire time

I can wear noise cancelling headphones sure but he causes a seen every time someone is near and I life in an apartment building so there’s people everywhere when we go out. I mean he throws everything into trying to jump at people including kangaroo jumping
@dspeters5 Already tried that she really didn’t help at all. Hes not whining that much now cause we ignore it but he still has accidents inside at 9 months and I’m not sure how to fix that.