6 Lbs Chihuahua ate half a reece’s thin


New member
Just wondering what the side affects would be should I be very concerned? I wasn’t looking and she snuck the half i’d bitten.
@sophiamary Probably an upset tummy. I’m less familiar with little dogs so the reaction may be more but once my 60 lb dog ate most of a kind size Hershey bar and the vet told us there likely wasn’t enough real chocolate in it to affect a dog of her weight beyond a sick tummy.
@sophiamary Our 23 lb 13 yr old terrier/beagle/dachshund mix loves to dig out chocolate. In 10 years, he has had 5 or so chocolate binges. The first couple of times, we freaked out. The vet told us that most commercial milk chocolate is not high quality enough to cause significant concern but to keep an eye on him. I think a Reece’s thin might be ok for your guy.

The last time our boy managed to eat about half of a chocolate orange (still in its original package, in a shopping bag, in a closed closet… smh). He was super hyper from the caffeine and eventually had the scoots but overall was fine. He has also recently learned to open the pantry and developed a taste for Cliff Bars… we have since upped the security around here.