5 month old puppy very congested


New member
So the day before yesterday I stepped outside the garage to do something real quick and my five month old frug puppy took a poop inside. It was on a P pad so I wasn’t mad. But it stunk alot so i sprayed air wik all inside while he was following me. And ever since yesterday he is very congested. He keeps sneezing out snot, Coughing up phlegm, and im not sure what to do. He was also wheezing yesterday while playing. His breath also absolutely reeks but i think that’s unrelated. We had him in the bathroom yesterday and turned on the shower to give him some steam but that never worked. He still has an appetite and is drinking water. Is our only option waiting it out? Im so concerned and feel so stupid lol
@imagebeastmarkbeast Nah hes all better today. Think he just needed to get all the snot out. Did some final projectile snot sneezes this morning after waking and it cleared his sinus right up. No coughing or sneezing or anything now.
@heisnowhere The stinky breath is most likely because he's teething, so there's blood smell. The upper respiratory funk could be any number of things, possibly kennel cough. Worth a vet visit.
@legend28 Nah hes all better today. Think he just needed to get all the snot out. Did some final projectile snot sneezes this morning after waking and it cleared his sinus right up. No coughing or sneezing or anything now.
@heisnowhere Is he vaccinated for kennel cough? Has he had any interaction with other dogs or areas dogs might congregate, like a dog park? That would be my first guess considering his age. It might also be allergies to the spray. Animals can be very sensitive to those. If it's kennel cough, he should be okay in a few days, since it's generally self-limiting. If he isn't improving in the next few days, call your vet.

Edit: If at any point he appears to be struggling to breathe or his gums look purple/blue. Go straight to the nearest ER vet.
@stephendisraeli Nah hes all better today. Think he just needed to get all the snot out. Did some final projectile snot sneezes this morning after waking and it cleared his sinus right up. No coughing or sneezing or anything now. Although his bark does sound sort of raspy and he’s hesitant to bark. If that doesnt get better by tomorrow im taking him to the vet. And to answer your questions he went to the dog park on saturday but im convinced it was the airwick since the symptoms started the morning after i sprayed it. He wasnt lethargic at all. He was actually wanting to play. No appetite loss or anything.
@heisnowhere Get him to the vet. He could have an upper respiratory infection from the air wik. It’s best to never spray air freshener or clean supplies/chemicals if your pet is around. I definitely think you should take him to the vet and let them look at him. They can prescribe him some antibiotics or some different medicines to help clear it all up.
@dj2big Nah hes all better today. Think he just needed to get all the snot out. Did some final projectile snot sneezes this morning after waking and it cleared his sinus right up. No coughing or sneezing or anything now. Although his bark does sound sort of raspy and he’s hesitant to bark. If that doesnt get better by tomorrow im taking him to vet.