4 y/o dog won’t sleep in crate anymore


New member
Our dog was great in her crate for years and years but in the last few months we got somewhat out of our routine and she ended up spending many nights in our bed. Now we’re trying to get her to sleep in her crate again and she won’t. She cries from the minute we put her in there and doesn’t stop until we get her out. Any advice for fixing this?! Thanks!
@peaceandlove4 Unfortunately you are rewarding her behavior, she knows if she cries loud enough she will get to come back with you. I don’t see any harm with her sleeping with you. But if you really want her back in the kennel (which is also fine) you need to cut her cold turkey. It’ll be a rough first few days or even week. Get some noise cancelling headphones, put her in the kennel, and don’t let her out till morning
@seeker611 I have a 1yr old dog and he still willingly sleeps quietly in his crate at night. If I left him out, he'd get into anything and everything he could. He's crated for his safety and my sanity.
@seeker611 I have 4 bull terriers. 2 are 7 months, their mother is 3 and our oldest is 11. You expect me to let them have the run of the house all night? The 11 year old would just sleep, she can be trusted. The other 3 would probably kill themselves. Even once they calm down enough to stay out all night I'm not trying to have 4 dogs laying on top of me all night. Which they definitely will.
@seeker611 I know I’m many cultures crate training isn’t the norm but there are many cultures where it is. It isn’t cruel to the dog at all, it is their own personal safe space and it replicates a den for them. For many people that have mischievous pups the crate prevents them from getting into things in the night when human is sleeping. Or it can prevent aggression issues. Obviously this is individual dog specific but some dogs get really territorial over stuff like beds and being let in a humans bed long term can cause them to become protective and aggressive over it.
@peaceandlove4 Why not try a doggy bed next to your bed. Then you have your bed, and they have theirs. A crate is fine if the dog is happy in it. Or if it's needed for safety. Your dog is telling you it's not happy in the crate anymore. I didn't see any reason she needed crated. Just give her a bed to sleep in that isn't yours. Mine comes up for cuddles, and then when she gets sleepy, she gets off my bed and into hers.
@peaceandlove4 I think the cat is probably out of the bag on this one. Can you come to a compromise where she sleeps in your room but not on the bed? It'll be work to change her set-up again, so be prepared for some sleepless nights putting her back in her own bed, but that's a kinder approach than letting her sleep with you and then relegating her back to a crate - it's natural that she wants to be close to you.
@peaceandlove4 Back to basics. You've made a rod for your own back by breaking the routine and then wanting to restart it and horribly confused your dog at the same time. First off, decide what you want for your dog in the long term. If that is to sleep in the crate then you need to go back to crate basics. Move the crate to your room near the bed, encourage her to spend time in there in a positive way - treats/praise etc. Gradually increase the time she spends in there until she is happy to sleep in there the whole night. Do not start this process if you intend to break it again.
@peaceandlove4 My dog is crated at night,it’s his choice. Go to bed,he runs down the hall. Ask him if it’s bedtime,he looks down the hall. Rare occasion,he needs to potty during the night,whines until we hear and let him out,then right back in. Only crated in the day if a repairman comes in,he’s very nosy and would be in the way.
You are letting him out when he cries,and he knows it. Give him a Kong with cheese or peanut butter,he’ll figure it out.
@peaceandlove4 My dog started refusing the crate at night at around 2 1/2 - three years. He was crated during the day while I worked and I think it was just his way of saying he was over it. I set up a large gated area in my office/kitchen space with his cot and some toys and he willingly goes in there for bed and while I’m working. I’d love for him to be about to free range, but I’d also love it if he didn’t consume things he weren’t supposed to… so we compromise 😂

Try seeing if he will sleep on his own bed on the floor of your room or even leaving the crate open so he can come and go. Surround it with a gate if he can’t be trusted