4 strong paws brand - thoughts?

Hi all! We’ve been on this brand of food with our pup for 3 months now and it seems to be okay. He’s definitely a little gassy but I can’t tell if that’s just him being him self or if the food doesn’t sit 100% well with him. Our breeder recommended this food - we asked the vet about it and he seemed to not know too much about it. Just said he’s happy it’s not grain free.

I’ve tried to find more information about the food - but there aren’t much reviews or such available about it.

I’ve read through ingredients and they seem fine? I did notice the 4th ingredient is chicken fat. Which kind of makes me a little nervous because I read somewhere that you want to avoid food that has fat in top few ingredients for bloat prevention? I saw it somewhere on Reddit - not an actual research document.

I guess I’m just wondering if anyone uses this food? If they’re happy with it etc? Again, pup seems fine but a part of me wonders if I should switch because of the ingredient thing? Bloat freaks me out so I want to really make sure I pick the best food possible for the little guy.