2 year old Irish wolf hound


New member
@ifyoubelieveme I went and looked at a litter of Irish wolfhounds like 4 years ago. Same color.

I fell in love with the breed while out camping. Some girl that was with us had her massive dog Quinn. He was gorgeous and an incredible dog. I have wanted one since.

This pup from the litter I looked at picked me. She was beautiful and she came and shoved her head under my armpit and wouldn't leave me alone.

I drove home and cried the whole way because I couldn't have her. She was too much money, I didn't have a lot of space...

I still want one everyday.
@cathryne I know that feel. Try not to ever look at animals until you've got everything ready for one, and then take your time looking. When you're finally ready, taking that angel home is the best thing ever.
@ifyoubelieveme A buddy of mine had one and he was a giant, cuddly galoot. The dog could stand on his hind legs and put his paws on the shoulders of his 6'3" owner with ease. He ate about 5 cups of food a day and people would constantly ask questions about him. If I remember correctly, the most frequently asked by children was, "Can I ride him?" ("No" was the answer)

My favorite story was when my buddy was living in a small, rural town and his wolfhound escaped. He had to drive after him in order to catch up as the dog loped through the cornfields. At one point he looked down at his speedometer and realized the dog was running at around 35 mph. They made it back home safe and sound.
@ifyoubelieveme Cool dog. I can't think of Irish Wolf Hounds without remembering a morning a couple of years ago while out for breakfast. There was an IWH, which are impossible to not notice and stare at, just sitting there with its owner. And there was a tiny dachshund puppy in the same area. I don't think they were a family but the little dog was jumping around the significantly bigger dog's paws. The IWH didn't really care and just sat there until the puppy got closer to its front paws at which point the hound very slowly lifted up a paw and just as slowly tried to stomp the puppy. It wasn't violent or anything and the puppy had no problem getting out of the way. It was like the big guy couldn't really believe that the little thing was a dog. It was funny looking. Anyway...
@mommyandwife14 Yeah, people are always staring at him and it makes me feel awkward but whatever. When little dogs jump and bark at him, he backs away and the look on his face pretty much says : wtf are you barking at?
@mommyandwife14 Guy I used to work with had relatives with an Irish Wolfhound. One day his cousins brought their yappy little chihuahua over and this thing jumped around the IWH's paws yapping and nipping.

The IWH put the whole Chi in his mouth.. Never happened again..

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