2 y/o GSD being aggressive when excited with my 2 smaller dogs (Pugs)


New member
We moved less than a month ago, which seems to have escalated the behavior, but it was going on before as well.

When my 2 year old GSD is overly excited - which happens when someone arrives, when we let the dogs in and out, or when she sees a bird she wants to chase/eat (she's obsessed), she'll turn to the closest Pug and pin them down aggressively and mouth them while snarling loudly.

She hasn't injured either one but I'm worried about her behavior and it's recent escalation.

My Pugs are 4 and 8 years old and both neutered males and my GSD are will be 2 in a month and is a spayed female.

ETA: Any advice on how to stop this behavior?
@daisy100000 Thanks. I contacted several local ones today and will try and find someone how can help me. I think I'll also ask my vet who's personally owned several shepherds.

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