14 m/o given both rabies vaccines, same visit


New member
I brought my dog in for a routine check-up + a couple vaccines. Check-up went well, everything looked fine, the shots were administered and I went out in the lobby to wait. Vet comes back out to say that he'd given my dog the wrong rabies strain and had to give him the right one. I ask if that would cause any complications, he said no and seemed rather nonchalant about the ordeal. I typically trust my vets/doctors, and I trusted him enough to administer another shot. But, I can't help but feel a little weary about my dog getting doubled up on two strains of a vaccine, especially for a disease like rabies.

Are my fears warranted? Is there anything I should be looking out for outside of an allergic reactions?
@chrissyboy I took it. I asked him if there was anything to worry about and he said no, so I trusted him. It was about 4 hours ago. I actually had to go to work 2 hours ago but he was acting normal when I left. He's not home alone though, so if something does happen I'll hear about it.
@fogprince Personally I'd monitor over the next 24. The deeds been done so someone telling you retroactively it might not have been the best idea (and I'm not a vet-i also dont know if its a bad idea!) doesnt mean much. Id checkout the /askvet sub if you're really concerned when you get home, otherwise i would usually trust my vet.
@chrissyboy Yeah if it was really any vaccine other than rabies I think I'd have just taken my vets word and not thought twice about it. Rabies just scares the shit out of me. I actually contacted one of those "ask a vet" services and the guy seemed to think he might've been given the feline version of the vaccine rather than the canine one, since there aren't really two separate strains of the vaccine for the dogs, and that I shouldn't really worry about it if that's the case.