13 w/o puppy getting increasingly fussy in crate, but can’t have bedding or soft toys inside or she will pee on them


New member
EDIT: turns out this really was just a “ride it out” situation. My puppy is now nearly six months old and hasn’t had any problem being in her crate for the last couple of months. The first few weeks of puppyhood are really hard and it’s hard to see that things will get better, but it really does!

Hi all, I brought my sweet pug puppy home one week ago. She’s now 13 weeks and is very sweet and smart and fun and we love her so much, but I’ve noticed she’s getting increasingly uncomfortable when it’s time to put her in her crate for a nap or after potty breaks at night. She’s taking longer and longer to settle down and sometimes howls for over 30 minutes, particularly if she can hear me or my roommate moving around. I feel that part of this issue might have to do with the fact that we had to remove her bedding and soft toys from the crate, because we realized that if she has any absorbent material in there she will pee on it.

I’m going to have to head back to work full time in about 9 days, during which time she’ll be crated for about 3 or 4 hours at a time with walks in between. I’m getting concerned that she might be developing isolation distress, and I really want her to be comfortable in the crate when I have to go back to work. I’ve been playing crate games with her daily and giving her high value treats only reserved for the crate. I give her kongs. I’ve also started to try clicker training to get her more interested in it. Ultimately she would just much rather be in my lap or on a carpet or couch. I haven’t indulged her crying and try to reward her when she’s being quiet in her crate. And I haven’t put her in there for any other reason than games/sleep/naps when I need to get things done around the house. And she always goes potty right before and after crate time.

Another factor in this is that the breeder had her litter box trained, so she’d spend time in her crate that had access to pen with a litter box. She was doing fine with this setup and didn’t mind her crate then at all, so part of me feels like a failure that she is now with me and not liking it anymore. I’m afraid she’ll develop some traumatic association with crate time if I keep letting her cry it out. Part of me wonders if I should bring back the litter box so she can have bedding back in the crate and will have a separate place for potty, but I’m very hesitant because I don’t want to set back her potty training if I can help it.

Anyways, any advice on how to get through this process would be very much appreciated! Or just words of hope if you’ve been through something like this with your pup. Sometimes I feel like I’m making her life worse everyday!
@lapiito I had issues with my puppy not liking the crate once I covered it the night time crying stopped we also make sure he's totally exhausted before bed. We also make sure to make the crate a happy place with high value treats. We have done this for the past month and now when he is tired during the day even he goes in there to sleep.
@lapiito Sounds like it is too long. Some small dogs need to see every 90 minutes or even less. For that one I would definitely follow the Dunbar protocol, with both a short term and long term confinement area, so she can potty on an appropriate pad. I highly recommend a small kiddie pool. It's uncomfortable to have to see and not be able to, which can make her averse to the crate. When you are home, you can take her out to potty more often and reward heavily. Also, make the crate the place to be whenever she's off leash. Food, toys, treats, rest- they only happen in the crate or when you are training.
@paulinesinclair Our current general schedule during the day is: potty, play, potty, nap in crate, potty, play, potty, nap in crate and so on. The longest I think she’s napped for is about 2.5 hours during the days. We’re still trying to figure out our nighttime schedule. Some nights she sleeps straight through the night and more recently she’s been going to bed around 10-10:30pm, potty break around 4:00am then my alarm goes off at 6:00am and we start the day.
@lapiito You are bound to get someone with more experience to respond but I don’t think a 13 week old can be in a crate for 3-4 hours at a time.